Sunday, December 20, 2020

Jurassic Park Michael Crichton More Scientific

       Fake Science has been lying to us about global warming and weather change just like Fake News tells us lies about Trump. Jurassic Park is more accurate than what we call science today. Dinosaurs existed with man in the beginning and later described as Dragons.

Filmmaker and science fiction author Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park, Andromeda Strain, etc. 1942–2008) is more scientific than our phony Fake Scientists, noted that, over the years, science has drifted away from its foundation as an objective search for truth and given itself over to political power games. He had some lectures at California Institute of Technology (CalTech Pasadena) The first time that he witnessed that was with the famous Drake Equation, used to turn SETI speculations about space aliens into a science without any evidence to get money for our government. Carl Sagan became an exobiologist (UFOlogist John Keel says this is a non-science based on nothing) when he has no evidence of alien life and debunks UFO encounters. The Drake equation was a series of probabilities (atheistic evolution natural speculation) multiplied together to estimate the probability that space aliens may exist who can communicate with us. Of course, none of the terms is known or even estimable, and they may not be expressible as probabilities.

The fact is the existence of extraterrestrial aliens is based on evolution speculation that says there is nothing outside of the physical universe, also based on nothing. And yet the intricately designed universe could not exist if there was nothing supernatural beyond it.

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