Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Unusual Meteorites Discovered

        One of my contacts has found an unusual meteorite strewn field near four small craters in California. Craters about 12 feet in diameter. The meteorites have been tested by a professor and his students and they concluded they are unusual meteorites.

They are all extremely heavy and made of carbon, iron, and (carbon) black diamonds, including one transparent giant crystal diamond about 7 inches long.

The fragments look like they were melted together and there are some slickensides where the material has slid under pressure when partly molten. Some pieces are of mainly 3 different elements, and some are a mixture. They are unusual because they do not have fusion crust from friction in the atmosphere. These are harder than diamonds made on earth. They are used as industrial diamonds for drilling.

So far about 1000 meteorites have been found here.

At one of the most famous craters at Odessa Texas 1500 iron meteorites have been found. I found a few there myself.

Other similar carbonaceous meteorites have been discovered at other sites “…those diamonds were far larger than any yet seen in a meteorite.”

By Michael Marshall 27 May 2015


“According to the scientists involved, that means these diamonds formed in an unusual way. Large diamonds are most likely to form inside a really big lump of rock – like a planet. If they're right, these diamonds come from a planet that existed when our solar system was forming, and that has since been shattered.”

It has been theorized that the asteroid belt are the fragments of a planet between Jupiter and Mars. But these fragments do not have planet type minerals. They are mostly carbonaceous chondrites and Iron/nickel.

Chondrites are the most common, and irons are rarer. However, more irons reach the surface of the earth, and they are more easily detected by a magnet or metal detector. And they stand out from native earth rocks.

Some of the black diamonds among the fragments from this California fall have a pyramidal crystalline structure with 5 sides, others have random shapes, and most of the diamonds cut glass and they are not magnetic. Some are mixed in the same rock. Some parts magnetic, part nonmagnetic mixed together.

"A curious stone often referred to as “black diamond,” carbonado is more accurately described as a polycrystalline or aggregate material of amorphous carbon, graphite, and diamond." However, the California black diamond carbonados include iron.

When you put hydrogen peroxide on them the carbon boils.


Some meteoriticists believe they were melted in space and are the oldest primordial matter that formed when the universe came into existence. Of course this is a secular materialistic assumption based on a naturalistic explanation which contradicts the intelligent complex design seen in all of nature. Then there are others that believe they came from super novas.

“Researchers Jozsef Garai and Stephen Haggerty have argued that the diamonds in carbonado meteorites may have been formed in supernovae explosions, which sent chunks of the material into space and ultimately on a collision course with Earth.”


          The Betelgeuse supernova creating the Crab Nebula is a pulsar wind nebula associated with the 1054 BC supernova. It is located about 6,500 light-years from the Earth.

          Type I supernovae are the closest– caused by the collapse of a small faint white dwarf star. These stars are dim and hard to find, so we can’t be sure just how many are around. There are probably a few hundred of these stars within 50 light-years.

            The material from such an explosion could have reached earth in 2348 BC causing the massive shower on all of our solar system’s planets.    

These meteorites are the heaviest material on earth and diamonds form from carbon under high heat and pressure, like in a star’s core. 

“One of the largest craters in our solar system –South Pole-Aiken Basin – was discovered on the far side of our Moon. It is twice as wide as Texas and 8 miles (13 kilometers) deep, 8 times deeper than the Grand Canyon! These impact basins formed long ago during a time when a huge storm of giant asteroids pelted our Moon.” https://www.lpi.usra.edu/exploration/education/exhibits/current/AsteroidStorm.pdf

And similar huge craters are being found on earth recently. Many are the size of Texas. These are buried by sediment underground during the fossil record of the worldwide volcanic orogeny and Flood of Noah about 2348 BC

However, even evolutionists believe all the planets were bombarded by a huge catastrophic storms of asteroids and meteorites 3 billion years ago. And that most rocks on the moon are 3.8 to 4.0 billion years old. Of course this is not supported by scientific evidence. Because of several radioactive dating methods on volcanic rocks which has been proven false by secular scientists (I document this in my book), except for early Carbon 14 dating which only dates organic things 50 thousand years or less and is fairly accurate for only the last 4 thousand years. Carbon 14 has dated dinosaur bones and other fossils at 40 thousand years. Evolutionists have tried and failed to explain this (Iron can help preserve organic molecules but not for millions of years) as well as the organic substances found in these fossils which also dates them at thousands of years not millions.

I was researching the origin of rare earths as meteorite impacts. And these rare earths are used for computer screens and powerful magnets called Neodymium. In America there is one rare earth mine across from the Jurassic dinosaur track site at Mountain Pass California.

“The Earth's accessible reserve of precious metals is the lucky, serendipitous result of a 200 million year old meteorite bombardment, a University of Bristol study has found (claimed).

When the Earth was first formed (Not scientific because it is unobserved and unobservable materialistic speculation) some 4.5 billion years ago, molten iron sunk to the center to form the planetary core. In the process, the iron took the vast majority of the planet's precious metals -- including gold and platinum -- with it.”

This is ridiculous. Assuming they are right, the earth had to have all kinds of minerals while it was cooling, what would pull the iron to the center before there was iron in the center? Also centrifugal force in the spinning protoplanet would tend to scatter matter back into space. And there was not enough gravity to pull them together in the first place.


(Where did this theory come from? The plan of the Illuminati conspiracy discovered and published in 1903, they say they will use theories they know to be false, “Darwinism, Marxism, and Socialism” to fool the goyim. In order to create the world government of Antichrist warned about in the Bible.) The earth is actually 6 thousand years old and did not form from natural means, according discoveries made on Carbon 14, and soft organic remains in dinosaurs. See documentation in my books Mysteries of History Revealed revealed from documentation from secular scientific sources that the earth was bombarded with massive asteroid showers. I have found evidence that these showers occurred in 2348 triggering Noah’s worldwide volcanic upheaval orogeny and flood, and another shower in 2000 BC during Peleg’s Division when the continents were divided right after Babel.

The meteorites from California are NH2CHO nitrogen, hydrogen 2, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen.

They are also called Carbonados and, “…date from 2.6 to 3.8 billion years ago. This might also explain why they only occur in Brazil and the Central African Republic. During that span of the Earth’s history, present-day Brazil and the western coast of Africa may have formed a “supercontinent.” This pairing actually preceded the better-known Gondwanaland. (Creation scientists also agree that the earth was divided. The Bible says in Genesis, earth was created with one ocean and one continent which was divided during the Days of Peleg) It’s possible that a diamond meteorite struck the Earth at that time, accounting for carbonado’s current distribution.”


Thes showers triggered the worldwide Flood releasing the fountains of the deep stored in the earth. Scientists today have found that there is more water inside the earth than there is on the surface. Then in 2000 BC the earth was divided by another asteroid swarm.

However some of these meteorites have fallen recently. “Fragments of the 2008 TC3, or Almahata Sitta, meteorite that fell to Earth in 2008. Black diamonds were discovered inside one of the fragments.

In 2008, chunks of space rock crashed in the deserts of Sudan. Diamonds discovered inside one of the recovered meteorites may have come from a destroyed planet that orbited our sun billions of years ago, scientists said on Tuesday. If confirmed, they say, it would be the first time anyone has recovered fragments from one of our solar system’s so-called “lost” planets.”

Obviously the scientists contradict each other because of all the speculation. And the New York Times is known for its Fake News.


NY Times September 17, 1996, “The world's largest diamond is a carbonado, said Dr. Haggerty, an expert on the black diamonds. Found in Brazil and known as Sergio, the behemoth weighs 3,167 carats, 61 carats heavier than the largest single clear diamond ever discovered, the Cullinan, which was found in 1905 in South Africa. A carat is a unit of weight, with one ounce equaling approximately 140 carats. So Sergio weighs about 1.4 pounds.”


The California carbonadoes are from ounces to 100s of pounds.

Could they have come from the moon? Elements known to be present on the lunar surface include, among others, oxygen (O), silicon (Si), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), aluminum (Al), manganese (Mn) and titanium (Ti). Among the more abundant  elements.Then titaniumchromiumsulfur, phosphorus. Sodium, and chlorine are less abundant. Some are from the highlands which is the oldest surface, then there is the basalt lava flows from the hot core of the moon, from cracks in the moon’s surface caused by the gigantic asteroid impacts which caused floods of basaltic lava to flow filling many older craters or burying them. There are no volcanoes on the moon. There is no carbon. So the California meteorites or other carbonaceous meteorites did not come from the moon.

          Could they be from Mars? Based on data from surface rovers, scientists found that the most abundant chemical elements on the Martian  surface: are siliconoxygenironmagnesiumaluminumcalcium, and potassium. These elements are major components of the minerals comprising igneous rocks. They are mostly volcanic, (There were volcanoes here) as well as what appears to be water deposited shale and sandstone made of these elements. Very similar to the elements of rocks on the moon. It appears to me that these impacts on Mars caused explosive volcanoes to create huge lava flows which also released subterranean water which soon evaporated.

          However, there is no silicon i.e. quartz in meteorites.

As atheists they assume that this carbonaceous material is about 4 billion years old and may have been the catalyst for the building blocks of life when the solid bodies came together. However, naturally this is only speculation, they have had no success in supporting this theory they say. The fact is evolutionists must explain how inorganic minerals became organic minerals creating genes that are the plans for organic parts to form, and all in a predetermined order. No one has been able to turn inorganic into organic. This is the scientific law of biogenesis. It takes life to create life, and only after their kind. And there is no explanation on how all the millions of the right elements came together in the right order in the first place. And why they are all right handed DNA. Amino acids are all “left-handed” in shape, and all RNA sugars of life are “right-handed.” A random process of evolution would produce approximately 50% right handed, and 50% left handed. But DNA has to be all right handed or it would not work. 

The article says, “One of the strangest aspects of life on Earth—and possibly of life elsewhere in the cosmos (also speculation based on evolution/naturalism)—is a feature that puzzles chemists, biologists and theoretical physicists.” Why does it puzzle them?  Because it shows intelligent design and could not happen by a random natural process of evolution. Of course the Smithsonian puts out Fake Science. And they hide the discoveries of anomalies that contradict their science fiction, like the discovery of many giant human bones and artifacts over the centuries at megalithic sites.  


Also there is no explanation how nothing exploded into a vast universe. Explosions do not produce design, and they only scatter things.

Could the meteorites be from the sun or a star? These meteorites are NH2CHO called Formamide chondrite a stony iron meteorite. These are the elements found in a star. Stars are like onion rings, the outer most ring 1 is hydrogen to helium, next ring 2 helium carbon and oxygen, ring 3 sodium neon magnesium oxygen, then iron and nickel in the core. They go through fusion changing the elements as they migrate to the surface.

Formamide chondrites are similar to the small asteroid about four feet in diameter, which broke up over Costa Rica on April 23, 2019 called the Aguas Zarcas fragments filled with carbon.

Most of the elements in stars cores are found in these carbonaceous chondrite meteorites! 

And by the way NASA has discovered that the Chicxulub asteroid that hit Yucatan caused the worldwide flooding and volcanic upheaval that killed most of the dinosaurs, as well as the one that exploded over the Tunguska in 1908, as well as the shower that fell during the Younger Dryas, and the Chelyabinsk meteor in Russia in 2013 were all carbonaceous chondrites. The fact is Chicxulub was only one of many asteroids in this shower, some were even larger.   

Meteorites are not like the elements on earth or other planets otherwise you could not tell the difference between an earth rock and a meteorite. This contradicts the assumption that the planets formed by accretion of primordial material. However, carbonaceous chondrites are similar to the satellites of Mars, Phobos and Demos which are carbonaceous chondrite and may have been captured asteroids. These sometimes explode from volatile elements in the meteoroid. There are ice meteorites.

In the Days of Noah, there was a huge worldwide asteroid shower that released the fountains of the deep flooding the land.

Then again about 150 years later after the large fauna of Pleistocene mammoths, mastodons, ground sloth, saber tooth cats, etc. had recovered a second worldwide asteroid shower occurred during the Days of Peleg and the Tower of Babel.

The Bible warns us that during the near future during the Tribulation Period of seven years stars will fall, and it will be like the days of Noah. The world today is ripe for judgement and is being attacked by Satan’s agents who want to destroy America.