Sunday, May 17, 2020

Yahoo Answers: Sky Flashes Green

has anyone seen the sky flash green?

This whole week a lot of people are saying how they saw the sky flash green for a second...the WHOLE sky!!! and it was not raining this week nor were they're any storms so can someone please explain this to me.... I live in N.hollywood,ca and they saw it while they were in the valley
This whole week a lot of people are saying how they saw the sky flash green for a second in In a second it lite up the WHOLE sky!!! and it was not raining this week nor were they're any storms so can someone please explain this to me.... I live in N.hollywood,ca and they saw it while they were in the valley.
My answer is: I have seen flashes of light. The phenomenon has been called the phantom photographer. Not green although. I believe it has something to do with UFO phenomenon. However, I did see a green meteor. This is caused by oxygen in the stony meteorite in the upper atmosphere.

1 decade ago
On a very clear night, I saw a green fireball meteor which was brighter than the full moon. An answer from an unknown source says: The one I saw was on a horizontal trajectory and even skipped three times across the 8-foot swells of the Pacific Ocean. Because of the low trajectory, it was visible for perhaps 20 seconds. A smaller meteor coming down at a steep angle on a cloudy night might light up the whole sky for only a second. If the one I saw came down at a steep angle, it would have impacted the ground like an A bomb.

UFO Sighting from My Yahoo Answers

One clear Winter's Moonless night out in the Countryside
I took my friend out to get our Eyes used to the dark and observe the Milky Way
A few Satellites went over including the ISS.

With Binoculars, you could even make out the shape of the Superstructure
 Then Suddenly, from Left to Right, Faster and Brighter than the ISS by far
We kept our eyes on it because well, It caught our eyes.

But half way across the sky it changed direction instantly into a Northerly Trajectory
And got faster until it actually Vanished before our eyes
It was so quick I hadn't time to even think about a Photo.

Anyway, who would believe us.

More Strange Events at Area 61

New report from informant on Area 61 secret base for genetic hybrid engineering, gene splicing, and organ regeneration. There is a hidden ranch where a large military helicopter is hidden. Most of it is underground. As well as heavy military vehicles. They are hidden by trees and rocks.

He said it was hard to get a cell phone signal where he is in the rugged San Bernardino Mountains near Cajon Pass.
At night he hears strange sounds down by the creek. Sounds like an animal hunting and attacking. He investigated but his flashlight scares it off.

This is similar to the Skinwalker Ranch about a strange wolf-like creature which was shot with a powerful rifle and survived. Remember werewolves which are similar to vampires? The Navajo Indians call them Skinwalkers. They are no doubt similar to Spring-heeled jacks, supernatural creatures that can jump over high fences. I remember a report of one seen at a cattle mutilation site when a UFO was also seen.

Now he says his cellphone signal is back.

Then sounds of an attack occurred. When he got to the creek he found blood at the edge of the creek. And he found a dead animal. The animal looked like a fox. Head, neck, tail, and one back leg was stuffed in a hollow tree. He took a sample of flesh with fur. But the fur and flesh he sampled were not from the fox. It was ten feet up in this tree. He believes these samples were from the Fox biting off part of its attacker. He has not identified the creature. It was course very long brownish fur. (Sasquatch? I believe they are remnant of the Nephilim giants.)

The next day April 18th he went back to the site and found more of the animal in the tree eaten.

Then at 2:22 PM he was taking pictures to document it. He slipped and fell making a lot of noise. The he heard a buzzing sound and a black four rotor drone came at him then hovered over him. Then it went in front of him for ten seconds. He grabbed his camera and took pictures. The drone zoomed away fast. He said it seemed to come out of the sky and move faster than any drone he had seen before.

He says his laptop and smart phone has not worked in 2 weeks. Now they are working.

I have not heard from him since this report.


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Blooper: The UneXplained with William Shatner

The UneXplained with William Shatner. What is WRONG HERE? It says Friday July 19, but that is SUNDAY not Friday!?

We’ve learned this week that HISTORY will premiere the nonfiction series “The UnXplained,” hosted and executive produced by Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning actor William Shatner (Star Trek, “Boston Legal”) on Friday, July 19 at 10 p.m. ET/PT. The eight-episode, one-hour anthology series will tackle subjects that have mystified mankind for centuries, from mysterious structures and cursed ancient cities to extraterrestrial sightings and bizarre rituals

Friday, May 1, 2020

Is the Earth Hollow?

Eced7a1f c81d 42f4 95ea 9d5719dce241 Singapore Moses Messenger of God, CEO in IT industry, Astronaut, Scientist
Things under the Earth refers to the Underworld. 

The Greek word "katachthonios" (G2709) is used to refer under the earth; it means subterranean; infernal world (Php 2:10; cp. Ps 16:10 with Mt 12:40 and Eph 4:8-10). 

This includes the angelic inhabitants in tartarus (2 Pet 2:4 ude 1:6- 7 1 Pet 3:19; the pre- Adamites and demon inhabitants of the abyss (Lk 8:31; Rev 7); the giant races that have no resurrection (Gen 2:4; Isa 26:14); the human inhabitants of Sheol/Hades (Ps 9:17; 16:10; 71:20; Prov 9:18; 15:24; Isa 14:9; Ezek. 31:14- 18 32:18- 27 Lk 16:1-31 RRev 20:11-15; and all other inhabitants of the infernal world (Php 2:10 Rev 5:13). This proves that hell is not the grave.