Thursday, April 30, 2020

Identical UFO Seen in Redlands CA and in Mexico

In 1968, numerous sightings of a disk UFO with lights around the bottom were seen and reported on the north side of Redlands California.

This was fantastic because the drawing of the disk was identical to three UFOs videotaped by a friend of a friend in La Rosario México a few days ago. See the copy of the video I posted from Mexico below.

Picture on left is from the video in Mexico. The picture on the right is a drawing of the UFO in Redlands California. 

The article below has the video from Mexico. 

And below is the one in Redlands California.

Update: I noticed after I wrote this that the UFOs had not changed in 40 years. Now look at cars.
 One on left is 1980, the one on the right is 2020. Notice they are different. 

This shows they are not being made by people on earth. And it indicates that UFOs are not improving. They are either created by angels who already have all the technology there is already for thousands of years. Or angels are not creative, that only copy what they learned from God. Notice that UFOs over Jerusalem in 70 AD were described as shields. And then there were Vemanas for thousands of years. These are not aliens evolving on other planets. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Strange Phone Number

I just got a call that lasted 10 seconds. It was from a number 011015638538562380 but I could not call them back. It appears to be an International number from the United States.

Whistleblower: NSA Goal Is 'Total Population Control'

Meteorite Identification

Meteorite identification. 99% of all meteorites are attracted to a strong magnet. Meteorites are heavier than earth rocks. Use the most powerful neodymium magnet if possible.

See if it is magnetized. Hang it, or the magnet on a string. See if it lines up with the magnet, if it doesn’t it is not a meteorite. Also you can use a compass.

The streak test. Take a rough ceramic, like the underside of toilet bowl cover or coffee mug and use the meteorite like a piece of chalk. If it leaves a black/gray streak (like a soft leaded pencil) the sample is likely magnetite, and if it leaves a vivid red to brown streak it is likely hematite. Meteorites leave very little streaks, usually grey silver.

A stone meteorite, unless it is very heavily weathered will not normally leave a streak on the tile.

Be sure you streak a sample representative of the interior if it is weathered or has fusion crust.

If your stone specimen passed the magnet test, it is time to see inside the meteorite, this is necessary and will not decrease the value. The goal is to use a file to grind flat a corner or appropriate area on the stone. If the specimen is small and you have a bench vice or vice grip, wrap the specimen in a cloth and secure it so you can file a surface. Filing will take some effort. (If this is beyond your abilities - see professional testing) Look at the cut surface from several different angles, if you can see shiny metal flakes scattered throughout the stone, it may well be a meteorite. If the interior is plain then it is probably a wrong. The interior is different from the surface. If it is the same it is not a meteorite.

Regmaglypts, popularly known as thumbprints, are oval depressions-often about the size of a peanut-found on the surface of many meteorites. These indentations look much like the marks a sculptor might make with his fingers on a wet lump of clay.
As a result of this brief but intense heating, the surface burns and forms a thin, dark rind called fusion crust.

Meteorites tend to look different from the ordinary terrestrial rocks around them. They do not contain the common earth mineral quartz, and they do not contain vesicles. When gas escapes from cooling molten material it leaves holes in the slag or volcanic rock. There was no atmosphereic gas where they formed in space.
Iron is heavy and most meteorites feel much heavier in the hand than an ordinary earth rock should.

As a typical meteorite burns through the atmosphere, its surface may melt and flow in tiny rivulets known as flow lines. These patterns formed by flow lines can be minute, often thinner than a strand of human hair, and they are one of the most unique and intriguing surface characteristics of meteorites.
 If the interior displays metal flakes and small, round (chondrites), colorful inclusions, it may well be a stone meteorite.

Nickel is rare on earth but almost always present in meteorites. Assay labs can perform an analysis of the nickel content for a few dollars.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Friday, April 17, 2020

UFOs Over La Rosario Mexico

These three UFOs were videotaped by a witness in La Rosario Mexico April 2020, which was sent to my friend in Chino California, by his friend in La Rosario. He sent it from his smart phone to my flip phone. I then sent it to my email and played it on my laptop and videotaped it and sent it to YouTube.

Two UFOs approaching with ring of bright lights shining down behind houses in a residential area. Two cars pass on the street. Then in a few seconds police sirens can be heard. Then a third UFO comes into view. One of the best shots was photographed where you can see the ring of individual lights and a dark saucer shaped dome above seen faintly. Makes you think of the War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells.

Update on this article. An identical UFO was seen by many witnesses over Redlands California.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

UFO Giving Birth

Video of UFOs over El Rosario Mexico May 22, 2009 video of a large UFO releasing small UFOs in both directions, filmed by two different witnesses from opposite sides. Recorded separately and at different angles by Alfredo Carrillo and Pedro Hernandez. One side was dark against the white clouds, the other side the sun is shining on them. The large object is hard to see, but it looks like a sparkling fish swimming around. Then the large object flips over in a circle, and then they all dance around each other. It looked like it was giving birth. 

The reason I posted this is because I was researching amazing disk-shaped UFOs videotaped close-up over El Rosario Mexico sent to a friend in Chino California a few days ago by a friend in El Rosario, which was resent to me from Pedro. That report is in the next article.

UFO Reports Increasing

This UFO group does not research sightings but does give this information.

The National UFO Reporting Center, which tracks calls and messages from people around the U.S. and Canada about strange sightings in the sky, reported that it received 5,971 sightings in 2019 -- a jump from 3,395 in 2018.

Peter Davenport, who runs the independent organization that's based in Davenport, Washington, said he couldn’t explain why more people called about seeing flashing white lights, fireballs, disc-shaped objects or other oddities in 2019.”

That is simple Mr. Davenport, many things started to happen in 1948. Founding of the United Nations, creation of Arab states, the return of the Jews to Israel, first official report of a UFO by Kenneth Arnold, the crash of a UFO disk in Roswell, the first computer, creation of the Internet for military and scientific uses, the first I instant camera, etc. This was the beginning of the countdown to Jesus return after the Rapture. UFO reports and paranormal phenomenon have increased every year since then.

“California led the country last year with the most number of UFO observations to the site: 485 in total, an increase of 182 sightings from 2018. Florida came in second with 385 sightings in 2019, which was 156 more reports than in 2018, according to UFO Reporting Center data.”

“For example, on April 15, a man and his girlfriend reported they saw a formation in the sky near Bakersfield, California.”

They say they try to get as much information they can. However, if this is a typical report, they didn’t tell if it was at night, or daytime. They didn’t give an idea as to the size and distance, and weather it was traveling faster than a jet. At their web site they give mostly press appearances, conferences, and organizations, etc. Only a few actual UFO reports. And they don’t describe the color, or relative sizes like I do.

Satan is preparing the world for his invasion during the Tribulation Period when he and his angels will be cast down to the earth.

They go on to tell us many reports are of Venus, and satellites. It is simple to determine if it is a real UFO or something explainable. UFOs move, change direction, sometimes travel faster than a jet plane, make erratic movements, and do not have red and green airplane lights. And they are often different bright colors. And close up they do not resemble anything we have. 

They claim that if you see a string of UFOs it is a string of new satellites. However in the next article here there is a video of a string of UFOs connected to a larger UFO in front of white clouds! 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

UFO Seen All Over the World

Many UFOs are 30 foot disc shaped, and some are huge triangles, some are boomerang shaped like the ones Kenneth Arnold saw (the first official UFO report), then there are huge cigar shaped ones.
This one has been reported all over the world.

This is part of the video in the link above. The bright spot is a star and there are three others that are fainter. The UFO has a blue trail behind it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Second Skinwalker Program Comments

Skinwalker Ranch program 2 was very interesting. The researchers should check what ley lines run through the ranch. 

I have said for years that Fallen Angels and Demon spirits used electromagnetic radiation to create electromagnetic holograms and for levitation, aportation, and poltergeist, etc. 

There are many reports that UFOs come out of the ocean and sometimes out of hidden caves. I suspect that there are bases entered through caves under the ocean. There are four rivers that go from Wyoming to the ocean off the coast of California near Catalina Island. The Bible says there are living things under the earth King James Bible
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Skinwalker Ranch

One thing I noticed that is odd on Skinwalker Ranch program is the cow that was supposedly killed was the only cow I saw on the ranch.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Miscellaneous UFO Encounters

My wife’s visiting nurse told us that she was abducted by a UFO and one time she was outside watching a UFO a neighbor also saw it. The neighbor told her she had also been abducted.

One of my first wife’s babysitting customers said she just saw a UFO when she was driving over in daytime. And it looked like a chandelier.  

My wife’s friend told her on the phone that her uncle was in Roswell New Mexico and he said he saw the alien Grey’s bodies.   

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Alien Agenda

Here are facts I have discovered in my research that is confirmed by this source:
1.    The aliens of our time match the demons and fallen angels mentioned in the Bible in terms of their behavior.
2.    Like the Bible predicts, aliens never affirm the deity of Christ nor do they claim to come in his name.
3.    Aliens change their stories to delude man into believing their lies. One example of this is that before man had been to outer space or sent satellites there, aliens would claim to be from planets such as Jupiter in our solar system. (Editor: Valiant Thor and Gene Vallyo claimed to come from Venus in the 1950s, but venus cannot sustain life) As time went on and man learned more about our planets, we realized that no one could live on a planet like Jupiter, so aliens changed their story. Now they claim to be from other solar systems and star clusters such as Andromeda and Pleiades.
4.    Though aliens are said to be advanced, it seems they need us for their survival just as fallen angels need human beings to prey on. There are various accounts of aliens taking tissue samples from humans, probing them, or impregnating women. This is the origin of the entities known as incubus and succubus. (Editor: Also cattle and some human mutilation.)
5.    Alien abductions are stopped by invoking the name of Jesus.
6.    Aliens bring ideas to earth that will help man unite worldwide for a new era of consciousness’s. This uniting prepares the way for their leader (who is possibly the Antichrist) by making mankind forget their religion and loyalty to their countries.