Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Today's Earthquake

        I felt two light quakes for one second about 11:00 AM in Devore California.

       Earthquakes Summary Warning for April 26th 2022

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/earthtremors.org.icohttps://earthtremors.org › posts › index › 265-daily-summary-warning-april-26th-2022

       The earthquake activity for April 26, 2022 The earthquake activity (M6+ eccentricity = imbalance) in Asia-Pacific is below average at 1.32 today (medium) compared with the typical med-hi month of April average of 1.39

       (note the lunar Phase Ratio has changed to greater than 1 since 7th January so that strong quakes are more likely to occur close to the new moon and full moon).

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/earthquaketrack.com.icohttps://earthquaketrack.com › quakes › 2022-04-26-09-00-14-utc-1-8-1

       UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) time: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 09:00 AM Your time ... 1 km depth Willits, California, United States. 1.8 magnitude earthquake. Today 2022-04-26 09:00:14 UTC at 09:00 April 26, 2022 ... (11.2 miles) Northern California. Depth: 1 km. This earthquake is on the map of Northern California and is close to: Northern California. San Pablo Bay ...

1.9 magnitude earthquake near Truckee, California, United ...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/earthquaketrack.com.icohttps://earthquaketrack.com › quakes › 2022-04-26-13-59-55-utc-1-9-7

UTC time: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 13:59 PM Your time ... 7 km depth Truckee, California, United States. 1.9 magnitude earthquake. Today 2022-04-26 13:59:55 UTC at 13:59 April 26, 2022 ... (2.2 miles) Northern California. Depth: 7 km. This earthquake is on the map of Northern California and is close to: Lassen Peak Area, California.

       UTC —Coordinated Universal Time—is the 24-hour time standard used as a basis for civil time today. All time zones are defined by their offset from UTC. The offset is expressed as either UTC- or UTC+ and the number of hours and minutes. Primarily, UTC is based on mean solar time at the prime meridian running through Greenwich, UK.

       The earthquake activity (M6+ eccentricity = imbalance) in Asia-Pacific is below average at 1.32 today (medium) compared with the typical med-hi month of April average of 1.39 (note the lunar Phase Ratio has changed to greater than 1 since 7th January so that strong quakes are more likely to occur close to the new moon and full moon). The activity in the last 2 weeks in Asia-Pacific region has continued to be moderate with M5+ almost every day and one or more M6+ events every two to three weeks.

       Imagine what happened during the worldwide Flood orogenies (mountain building events) in 2348 BC and upheaval in 2000 BC when massive planetoid asteroids disintegrated near our planet. See Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 by Jeremy Auldaney.

Satanic Conspiracy

       The United States is under attack by demon possessed people. They are part of a movement thousands of years old to create a world government for Satan. Madam Blavatsky, Alister Crowley, Carl Marx, Charles Darwin and other members of secret societies were leaders of this conspiracy against people and God. They founded the United Nations and the Council on Foreign Relations to control unions, corporations, banks, media, educational organizations, etc. 

     The link below says, 

All around planet earth, an evil network of secret societies traffic children, perform cannibal rituals and use ancient Hebrew & Sumerian mystic books called GRIMOIRES to summon demons.

It appears that the Biden/Obama/Clinton Crime family is involved in Satanism and are paid by the drug and sex trafficking Cartels 


Friday, April 22, 2022

Quantum Physics Science Fiction

 Scientist Bill Miller on Facebook:


A scientist must follow the test and observation and see where it takes him.

If you have an agenda then you’re not doing science, your adjusting the test to make the observation either fit your predetermined outcome, or you throw the test results out, if the test does show what you needed you keep it and claim a Scientific breakthrough. There’s really is very little science out there performing scientific work the honest and correct way, money has really several corrupted the system. I see evidence that really has me questioning myself on if evolution is real. Take cosmic evolution, when you get down to it, all computer simulations failed to have the hydrogen gases after the big bang collapsing down far enough to creating a super-heated ball that started fusion. The postulated elements created from the big bang are incapable of forming the first star. Scientist still just stuck to this theory rather than looking at the obvious and they just kept adjusting the computer programs using something they called dark matter, (dark matter in my opinion doesn’t exist) nevertheless with the addition of this man made up dark matter in the computer simulation the first Star Was formed. What’s wrong with this? They kept adding something called dark matter bit by bit until they got their desired outcome. The big bang was only capable of producing the three lightest elements in the periodic table, however dark matter would be the heaviest element in the periodic table if it was real. The big bang is incapable of producing this imaginary dark matters, so where did it come from? The theory saving imaginary Element (dark matter) that has extremely high gravitational pull. Something that would have to be more dense than anything else in the universe, yet it’s invisible isn’t that fortunate.

Science really should never do any work that way. Now if you look at the universe and the spiral galaxies and you’ve Eliminate the Hypothesis of dark matter. What do you see? You see what could only be a young universe, with no possible scientific explanation for the first star.

Then came some more problems and then another mystery man-made idea started appearing in peer reviewec articles as proof to settle certain hypothesis, it was called dark energy.

Next I want you to look at how they fixed so many problems with the Big Bang with another man-made idea called inflation.  Think about this now, inflation has the universe expanding space-time and matter faster than the the speed of light (breaking laws of nature) and it does this for less than a billionth of the second. Think about this, somehow this inflation started and then it somehow stops in a billionth of a second. There is absolutely no scientific idea as to how this would be possible but yet it had to in order for the theory to work. There are so many man made up ideas to try and save the Big Bang from the scientific community that I am embarrassed to state I’m a doctor and a scientist.

This truly pains me to see the whole Scientific community floundering.

 According to a survey published in the journal Nature last summer, more than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments.’ More corruption, clients needs to seriously start policing itself.

One must be a loony to put out a scientific drawing like this.