Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Count the Number 666

      Count: Number of a man Barack Obama

Number Of A Man Barack Obama in Jewish Gematria equals: 666:n40u200m30b2e5r800o50f60a10m30a1n400b2a1r80a1c3k100o50b2a1m a30 1


The leader of the most powerful country in the world (USA); a 'man of peace' (Nobel Peace Prize); obtained the kingdom with flatteries; a descendant of Ceasar of the Roman Empire; related to Antiochus IV Epiphanes; seeking to change times and laws; has spread the wealth among the fattest places of the province (Wall Street Bailouts); was born on the 9th of AV, the 216th day of the year(1961); 1891 years to the day from the destruction of the Temple in 70AD. (1891 is the 61st triangular number), born in 1961 and came to power in Israel's 61st year; doesn't regard the god of his father or the god's of women (he is a secular humanist and doesn't regard any god over another); he's a master of the craft (lies and deciept); Jesus said he saw Satan as BARAK (lightning) fall from heaven (heights - BAMA); is the de facto ruler of modern BABYLON (Iraq); is a charismatic speaker; sheds the blood of the innocent (abortion advocate).
As far as 666 goes, no other current world leader comes close to the 666 value that his name is steeped in:
His first name, BARACK, by the simplest gematria is 36, the root of 666.
The composite English gematria of his given name is 1998, the triplet of 666.

This is the fist speech Obama made. It was at The Brooking Institute on June 8, 1998 This is the Liberal Think Tank that supported the fraudulent report against Trump falsely claiming Russian collusion with Russia proven FALSE in a Senate trial. And paid for by the Clintons Foundation and the Democratic National Committee Communists. This shows Obama was part of this fraud and supports the facts that support the conclusion that Obama IS the Antichrist.

The sum and difference of his alias, Barry Soetoro, equals 666.
The Greek Ordinal value of his given name is 234, which is the same as Lucifer.  The Ordinal 6-6 value is 1404 in which HUSSEIN has a value of 666 and BARACK OBAMA has a value of 6+66+666!
The value of his alias Barry Soetoro 171 is the satellite value of the triangular number 666.  THe triplet of 171 is 513, leaving a remaining core value of 153, the composite English Ordinal and Standard value of BARACK.
The value of his formal name, PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA (SECOND) = 1998, the triplet of 666!

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Pentagon Releases UFO Information


It was announced on MaxNews television by a Pentagon Official that they have released newly unclassified information on UFOs which are unexplained. They have come to the conclusion that they are not ours, and not from another country, but were something else. The spokesperson did not say they were extraterrestrial. He said they are far in advance of us, and we don’t know their motive. He suggested they could have been here already for a long time.

This is from a video of a real UFO seen in Mexico. There were three in that video.

However John Bachman newscaster on MaxNews brought up the theory that if the universe is so vast there must be life elsewhere, and it would change our concept of the cosmos. This is atheistic theory.

NonChristians say that the discovery of life outside the earth would destroy religion. That is one of its purposes.

This is a drawing of a UFO seen in Redlands California.

The truth is this theory is based on the Darwinian evolution hoax spread by the Illuminati to discredit the Creator.

Satan and his angels will be cast out of Heaven during the Tribulation Period and will claim to be extraterrestrials. They are preparing man for that event. They are the instigators behind the movement toward a Marxist world government of Antichrist.

The Pentagon spokesperson seemed like he knows more than he is telling. I suggest the Illuminati may be working with Satan’s angels to create advanced technology and genetically engineering bodes for Demon Spirits as Greys. These are human hybrids called Nephilim (falsely called Anunnaki which are the sons of the giant Anak and are not aliens) that were killed during the worldwide flood in 2348 BC and their descendants after the flood.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Antichrist is an Alien?


David Jeremiah of Shadow Mountain Community Church San Diego is an excellent minister. One of the few churches that are not infiltrated by agents of Satan; the Jesuits, Knights Templar Freemasons, and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Illuminati.

The last article I wrote went into some things that he said about the Antichrist and False prophet pointing out some information he did not mention and some things that were incorrect.


        There was one subject that I forgot to comment on. The meaning of numbers in the Bible.

       He said 6 represented man who cannot receive Salvation by works. Even if you are a 666. Man falls short of being a 7.

        Jeremiah said 7 was God’s number. Wrong. It represents Spiritual perfection.

       God’s number is 1, Jesus is number 888. The number 8 is New Beginnings. Now when a 1 is added to a 6 it becomes a 7 representing Salvation.

       Number symbolism comes from God who created mathematics for measurement and symbolism of time, matter, and space. God uses everything for a purpose, numbers are no exception. They are not just random meaningless numbers. The speak the Gospel in measurements.

       Some ignorant religious people will criticize me saying this is Numerology. WRONG! Numerology is part of Satan’s witchcraft. Fortune telling is a sin. It is a counterfeit of God’s numeric symbolism.

        The difference between sacred Gematria, and Numerology is one is a symbol from God generally to all people not for personal predictions of the future. The other is witchcraft for selfish personal predictions like astrology condemned by God as witchcraft.

Number symbolism is called Sacred Numbers or Gematria, and it is only found in the original Hebrew and Greek Scripture written by God himself. It proves only God could have created it, and is God’s trademark that God inspired not only the Bible but every letter. This is why new versions are evil, they change the hidden meanings. Some say the new translations are easier to understand, but this is a lie. People do not understand because they are not led by the Holy Spirit reading the Authorized King James Bible. It was translated into English from Hebrew and Greek to reach the whole world in the Authorized King James Bible.

I have not confirmed that Gematria is in the English translation but I believe it was based on logic. God would lead translators to get the truth to English speaking people without error. God said his Word was the eternal living Word.

Every letter is a number with meaning, and statements by God add up to multiples of certain specific numbers with spiritual meanings. We know that every time the Bible mentions a number that it is literal, and has a spiritual meaning.

        In Revelation there are many 7s. Where it says that 144,000, that statement is a multiple of 144. This is 12 disciples or tribes of Israel squared 12X12=144. Where it says the number of a man the Beast is 666 is also a multiple of 666 and 276. Where ever Satan, Demons, witchcraft in the Bible is mentioned is a multiple of 276. The number 666 and 276 are magic squares. In ancient Egypt, descendants of the hybrid humans the Nephilim they used the magic square of the sun god Baal/Satan 666.

        All of formulas in mathematics and geometry have sacred meanings!

        The number 666 is not Satan’s number it represents the hybrid human Nephilim bloodlines, agents of Satan the Illuminati.