Update on strange monsters. A reader of my books Mysteries of
History Revealed called me the other day and asked me, “Was the legend of
Beowulf real? Perhaps he (Gremdel) was an ugly Nephilim.”
Nephilim are human hybrid offspring of Satan’s Angels. Some
are giants, some look human, some are ugly.
Below is Gremdel. It sounds a lot like Gremlin another name for a Demon.
Satan did this through genetic
engineering and UFO abductions at Babel to contaminate the bloodline of the
messiah Jesus but failed. This happens all through history till the present. This
bloodline (Which now appear as normal humans) of the Illuminati will lead to
the coming Antichrist. Right now they are attacking our Constitution to use
America to bring in the Marxist New World Order under the United Nations known
as the Antichrist or Beast.
I knew nothing about this legend of Beowulf. This got me
interested, when I did a little research on Beowulf I learned he was a giant
who fought the ugly giant Gremdel who attacked and ate people. I remembered
that the Nephilim giants were known to be cannibals. And like Goliath they had
six figures and that is why American Natives said they raised their hand and
said, “How,” to prove they were not Nephilim.
The American Natives have legends about The Skinwalker. He is
often a Shaman (a secret society) who reaches a high degree in witchcraft and
becomes a shape shifter that can become a humanoid animal. American Natives say he is a witch. To obtain satanic power he must
kill a family member. Witches are
said to be able to become animals like a black cat. A Shaman is a witch doctor, wizard, or pagan priest and
serves Satan and acquires satanic powers.
I learned that Beowulf in ancient legends was called a spiritwalker
and the description shows that is another name for a skinwalker!
And it appears you could also call them werewolves, zombies, or vampires. These are
Demon possessed people. The zombies are dead bodies that become possessed by a demon or demons in the African satanic relegion of Voodoo.
Then I realized that a man who contacted my UFO Hotline told
me about a strange creature in Area 61 that he has heard about in the San Bernardino
Mountains above Cajon Pass.
Here is what I wrote about what he told me. And it sounds
like a giant monster. A skinwalker?
At night he hears strange sounds down by the creek. Sounds
like an animal hunting and attacking. He investigated but his flashlight scares
it off.
At another time he heard sounds of an attack. When he got to the creek
he found blood at the edge of the creek. And he found a dead animal up in a
tree. The animal looked like a fox. Head, neck, tail, and one back leg was
stuffed in a hollow tree. He took a sample of flesh with fur. But the fur and
flesh he sampled were not from the fox. It was ten feet up in this tree. He
believes these samples were from the Fox biting off part of its attacker. He
has not identified the creature. It was course very long brownish fur.
(Sasquatch? I believe they are remnant of the Nephilim giants and they have
been associated with sightings of UFOs)
The next day April 18th he went back to the
site and found more of the animal in the tree eaten.
Then at 2:22 PM he was taking pictures to document it. He
slipped and fell making a lot of noise. The he heard a buzzing sound and a
black four rotor drone came at him then hovered over him. Then it went in front
of him for ten seconds. He grabbed his camera and took pictures. The drone
zoomed away fast. He said it seemed to come out of the sky and move faster than
any drone he had seen before.
This was a four rotor black drone, but it does make me think
about the black ball UFO I saw about this time in Cajon Pass. These have been
seen all over the world.
This creature is similar to the Skinwalker Ranch video of a
large creature that attacked alpacas a strange wolf-like creature. On another
occasion a while before a wolf like creature was shot with a powerful rifle and
survived. Remember werewolves which are similar to vampires? The Navajo Indians
call them Skinwalkers. They are no doubt similar to Spring-heeled jacks,
supernatural creatures that can jump over high fences. I remember a report of
one seen at a cattle mutilation site when a UFO was also seen.
The web site below confirmed that Skinwalkers can jump like a
Spring Heeled Jacks. One these was seen near a UFO sighting and jumped over
fences. They are known to jump from the ground up onto the roof. They often
appear as wolves, but can take on any shape. They move fastrer than any animal,
and cannot be killed. And they say they can take the shape of someone you know
and mimic their voice. However, they have deep black or yellowish black eyes.
And I have heard that some Ufologists say their eyes look like reptiles and are
reptilians. Interesting because Satan is symbolized as a reptile.