Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Update on Skinwalker Ranch

        Here is some interesting information not mentioned on the television program. 


    While Kenneth John Myers and Edith Childs lived on the ranch the family experienced multiple cattle mutilations, crop circles, hearing voices calling from nowhere (poltergeist), inanimate objects moving before their eyes (apportation), UFOs and seeing strange birds and other animals on the property (Spirits often take the form of an animal like the witches black cat or a puca [A guide spirit involved in witchcraft]).

    "The púca, pooka, phouka is primarily a creature of Celtic folklore. Considered to be bringers both of good and bad fortune, they could help or hinder rural and marine communities. Púcaí can have dark or white fur or hair. The creatures were said to be shape-changers, which could take the appearance of horses, goats, cats, dogs, and hares.Wikipedia

    Beginning in the 1950’s (Roswell and Kenneth Arnold's experience occurred in 1947, when the UFO phenomenon became public knowledge) the area around Skinwalker Ranch has been a hotbed of UFO activity (according to locals).

    The Utes will not enter the area known as Skinwalker Ranch because they believe it is fertile territory for skinwalkers: “The Utes take this very seriously. They think the Skinwalkers are powerful spirits that are here because of a curse that was put on them generations ago by the Navajos (Curses are Shaman witchcraft). And the center of the whole legend is this ranch. The Utes say the ranch is “the path of the skinwalker.” Tribe members are strictly forbidden from setting foot on the property. It’s been that way for a long time.”

    This is strange since a couple of Utes have appeared on the ranch to help the research team. However, they used white magick calling on the Creator to protect them and the team. And one did get sick at the old homestead where he has seen a skinwalker years before.

    In another instance, the family saw their field lit up as if by “football stadium lights”.

    They saw a UFO larger than “two football fields” and apparent alien figures “over seven feet tall”. 

    Giants are associated with the human hybrids the Nephilim, the offspring of UFO entities, Satan's angels. In fact Bigfoot is a giant harry humanoid that is called a skunk ape because of the sulferic smell, and they are seen in association with UFO sightings. 

    My nephew saw a huge UFO over our house in Yorba Linda in Orange County California about 1977. I collected UFO angel hair all over Orange County the next day. 

    In two years the family lost 20% of their heard to cattle mutilation. The cows eye, genitals, etc.. are surgically removed as if by a laser. The show sings they were dropped from above, to the spot where they are found. And all blood is missing and no tracks. This is a common problem on ranches all over the world. Ranchers loose lots of money. 

    Later in 1996 billionaire Robert Bigelow (He owns Budget Suites high class motel chain) bought the ranch for $200,000 and made it the home of a paranormal research group, The National Institute for the Discovery of Science, which operated until 2004. The organization is later replaced by the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies. 

    In 2007, a secret, unclassified government program, The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, when the Pentagon began investigating UFOs. The program had a $22 million budget and Robert Bigelow received much of that money.


    Here are some facts about spirits. 


    "This one has totally happened to me. A few years ago, I woke up in the middle of the night (two nights in a row) to my dog barking at a shadowy figure hovering in my bedroom. According to Fields, "shadows in your peripheral vision, flickering lights and electronics, objects seeming to switch places/positions when your back is turned, figures in the dark, etc." are clear signs you might have a haunting on your hands."

    My girl friend Jean in Orange County told me that when she was in New York she was staying with her grandmother. She was in bed when a shadowy figure appeared at the foot of the bed. She thought it was her grandmother. Then it changed into the face of a witch, and she screamed and her grand mother came in and there was nothing there.     When my family became homeless we stayed with her family about 1977. My sister was in the bathroom and Jean and her sister Nancy were in their bedroom and my sister's dog Pierre (a white poodle) was under the bed. 

    A glowing skeleton face appeared and floated across the room toward them. Pierre came out and barked at it. And the girls screamed. 

     Jean told me that she went to an occult party and was able to cause a compass needle to spin. 

    UFO researcher John Keel warns of the danger to young people not to go to occult parties, or get interested in UFOs, it can lead to possession by a spirit entity.

       On the program Skinwalker Ranch a descendant of the Ute Natives told about an experience he had years ago. When seeking shelter at the old homestead abandoned house. A strange creature came in the night. He came outside and saw it. It roared and he shot it with his rifle. It ran away unharmed. The tracks the next day were human, then they turned into large dog tracks. It was believed that they were like a wolf. Skinwalkers look like wolves. Another name for them is werewolf, or vampire. John Keel described the ability of UFO entities to be shape shifters. This is called transmogrification, where a supernatural entity can change into something else. UFOs have been seen to change shape, size, appear, and disappear.

       A military man who was part of the Government funded research team that had tried to research the paranormal phenomenon for ten years and failed said he believed there is a portal on the ranch at the old homestead. Another name for it is Star Gate, or Vortex. These are sacred sites to pagans, sites where Native Americans and other natives in other countries create worship sites where they contact their earth spirit gods i.e. Demons. These places include Stonehenge and other megalithic sites around the world built by Phoenicians thousands of years ago descendants of the Philistines who were of the hybrid human Nephilim bloodline offspring of Satan's angels.


       Garth’s brother and sister-in-law, Kenneth John Myers and Edith Childs had purchased the ranch around 1933. But his brother claims they did not tell him about any UFOs or strange activity. However, he is an unbeliever in UFOs. Many people who have witnessed paranormal events remain silent because of ridicule and hate from atheists who don’t believe in the supernatural.

       My first wife Muriel told me about her husband Tom who saw a huge UFO hovering in the Mojave Desert. When he told fellow workers they laughed and said it was probably a science fiction movie being filmed. Ridicule and actual hoaxes have kept the truth from the public, along with establishment Fake News media’s suppression and ridicule of the news. As well as government suppression of information and disinformation. Also the media in news and movies promotes disinformation. 

    She also told me that her young son Eddie and a friend were walking home when they saw a saucer shapped UFO. Their were windows and he could see humanoid creatures inside. A beam of light surrounded him and his friend. He ran home and told Muriel his mother.  

       After, the Roswell crash newspapers were told not to report UFO sightings.

       Anytime the establishment wants to keep their conspiracy a secret, when the truth leaks out, they say it is a Conspiracy Theory and call you crazy or on hallucinogenic drugs.

       I saw a green meteor a few years ago and asked if others had seen them on Yahoo Answers. 

       I got ridicule, like, “What were you smoking?” and other silly comments. So I went on the internet and found that green meteors were fairly common. They burn green from oxygen when they are high in the atmosphere.

       I personally believe in the Bible, and I have seen UFOs, and know they are real. The Bible confirms that there are demonic spirits who are under Satan preparing the world for Satan’s New World Order of Antichrist. They are the Power of the Air. When they invade they disguise themselves as physical aliens from another planet.


       Back to Skinwalker Ranch: “We had a long conversation with John Garcia (called Mr. Gonzalez in Skinwalker), whose ranch adjoined the Myers/(Skinwalker) ranch on the television program cast with Charles Winn, whose ranch adjoined it on the northwest. Each rancher had some wonderful UFO stories to tell, as I’ll relate at the end of this chapter, but again and again we asked if this activity occurred while the Myers were living on the property. Time and again they would search back in their memories and come up blank as to activity on the ranch before the Myers left. Garcia’s account, the one related below, did go back to the Myers’ time, but he didn’t think the Myers were aware of his sighting. Except for Garcia’s account and various cattle mutilations, most of the Garcia and Winn stories were generated by experiences after Robert Bigelow bought the ranch. The cattle mutilations were confirmed by Pete Pickup, who had been a deputy sheriff and a tribal policeman starting during the Myers’ occupancy. He had investigated at least a dozen cattle mutilations at various ranches, going back to the 1970s, and he was employed by NIDS and Bob Bigelow, but he could not confirm UFO activity prior to the witness’s purchase of the ranch.”

              On the program sheriff Pete Pickup took them to a spot where he saw a landed UFO which left a UFO ‘nest.’ These can lead to crop circles. These appear in seconds impossible for human hoaxers. And one witness saw a glowing elemental (A colored glowing ball) and a complex crop circle appeared in seconds.

       Crop circles are interesting because they often involve Irish hexagram art. And they often appear near megalithic sites including Stonehenge. And sometimes they are Celtic hexagrams used by the ancient Sumerians at Babel, the origin of the alien offspring the Titans the Nephilim.

       Another event was related by the military man with the government investigation said one night they heard and saw something in the trees. And one of them fired his rifle at it and it fell to the ground and ran away. Next morning they found only one track when their should have been a trail in the dirt and light snow. This track looked like a Velociraptor.

       Now this is speculation that often turns out to be true.

       Remember the snake that spoke to Eve? I have suggested that it may have been a dinosaur possessed by Lucifer. It is possible that these shape sifters can take on the appearance of another kind of creature. And Satan is symbolized as a serpent or dragon. And some UFO entities have reptilian physiology and are called Reptilians. 

    Dragons were accepted as real creatures by science into the early 1800s. Dragons match the descriptions of dinosaurs. And evolution conspiracy has lied about them being extinct 65 million years ago and Carbon 14 and preserved organic remains proves fossils can only be thousands of years old.

       At the Old Homestead the team discovered that the air in and around the house suddenly became cold. And the Native America said that these beings are known to be cold. I have heard that haunted houses and when contacting spirits often experience cold. These creatures come from hell and are burning with cold. This is part of the paranormal experience involving the electromagnetic spectrum which includes infrared heat. Another thing is sulfuric-oxide can be smelled at paranormal events. I believe this has to do with the electricity involved in the electromagnetic hologram created from energy from the electromagnetic lay lines crisscrossing the earth. The Bible relates that Satan is associated with sulfur.

     My mother told me that my grandmother used automatic writing and drew snakes. She also heard sounds and felt something cold touching her.

       American natives got their religion from ancient Babel (They were scattered from Babylon in the land of Sumer) and Egypt just as the Jewish Cabala did. A rabbi came to help their research. He did a chant inside a circle of stones. Stones and oak trees are used by Druids in their occult religion. Like Giant Rock where there are large quartz crystals in the granite that can create electricity at Pagan worship sites on lay lines (Earth current).

       That is when the atmospheres around the homestead heated up and the homestead became suddenly cold. These were ways to use frequencies and chanting to call up Demon spirits. God has condemned this practice. It is part of witchcraft.  

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