Tuesday, April 14, 2020

UFO Reports Increasing

This UFO group does not research sightings but does give this information.

The National UFO Reporting Center, which tracks calls and messages from people around the U.S. and Canada about strange sightings in the sky, reported that it received 5,971 sightings in 2019 -- a jump from 3,395 in 2018.

Peter Davenport, who runs the independent organization that's based in Davenport, Washington, said he couldn’t explain why more people called about seeing flashing white lights, fireballs, disc-shaped objects or other oddities in 2019.”

That is simple Mr. Davenport, many things started to happen in 1948. Founding of the United Nations, creation of Arab states, the return of the Jews to Israel, first official report of a UFO by Kenneth Arnold, the crash of a UFO disk in Roswell, the first computer, creation of the Internet for military and scientific uses, the first I instant camera, etc. This was the beginning of the countdown to Jesus return after the Rapture. UFO reports and paranormal phenomenon have increased every year since then.

“California led the country last year with the most number of UFO observations to the site: 485 in total, an increase of 182 sightings from 2018. Florida came in second with 385 sightings in 2019, which was 156 more reports than in 2018, according to UFO Reporting Center data.”

“For example, on April 15, a man and his girlfriend reported they saw a formation in the sky near Bakersfield, California.”

They say they try to get as much information they can. However, if this is a typical report, they didn’t tell if it was at night, or daytime. They didn’t give an idea as to the size and distance, and weather it was traveling faster than a jet. At their web site they give mostly press appearances, conferences, and organizations, etc. Only a few actual UFO reports. And they don’t describe the color, or relative sizes like I do.

Satan is preparing the world for his invasion during the Tribulation Period when he and his angels will be cast down to the earth.

They go on to tell us many reports are of Venus, and satellites. It is simple to determine if it is a real UFO or something explainable. UFOs move, change direction, sometimes travel faster than a jet plane, make erratic movements, and do not have red and green airplane lights. And they are often different bright colors. And close up they do not resemble anything we have. 

They claim that if you see a string of UFOs it is a string of new satellites. However in the next article here there is a video of a string of UFOs connected to a larger UFO in front of white clouds! 

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