Monday, February 21, 2022

Radiometric Dating Falsified

        General unreliability of radiometric dating

       The main point at issue is fractionation and its relationship to U/Pb and Th/Pb dating.

       Most scientists today believe that life has existed on the earth for billions of years. This belief in long ages for the earth and the existence of life is derived largely from radiometric dating. These long time periods are computed by measuring the ratio of daughter to parent substance in a rock and inferring an age based on this ratio. This age is computed under the assumption that the parent substance (say, uranium) gradually decays to the daughter substance (say, lead), so the higher the ratio of lead to uranium, the older the rock must be. Of course, there are many problems with such dating methods, such as parent or daughter substances entering or leaving the rock, as well as daughter product being present at the beginning.

       Here I want to concentrate on another source of error, namely, processes that take place within magma chambers. To me it has been a real eye opener to see all the processes that are taking place and their potential influence on radiometric dating. Radiometric dating is largely done on rock that has formed from solidified lava. Lava (properly called magma before it erupts) fills large underground chambers called magma chambers. Most people are not aware of the many processes that take place in lava before it erupts and as it solidifies, processes that can have a tremendous influence on daughter to parent ratios. Such processes can cause the daughter product to be enriched relative to the parent, which would make the rock look older, or cause the parent to be enriched relative to the daughter, which would make the rock look younger. This calls the whole radiometric dating scheme into serious question.

       Jon Covey cited some references about this, and it will take a lot of work to understand what is going on from a creationist viewpoint. But this is another factor that could be causing trouble for radiometric dating. If there is a proof that this could not be so, then I have missed it. I would not want to use a scale that might be right and might be wrong. This looks like the situation with U/Pb and Th/Pb dating so far. Another issue is selective reporting, and also an uncertainty as to how often U/Pb and Th/Pb dates agree with the expected ages of their geologic periods. And I'm curious to see how discordia relate to the possibility of fractionation -- I did look into them at one time. But this point is sufficiently complicated that I can't see the implications right away. In general, when an area is so complicated that I can just barely understand it, then there may be problems with the area that are more complicated still. But my inclination is to think that the same kinds of mixing processes that produce isochrons can also produce discordia.

       Furthermore, if there are special circumstances that invalidate the method, then this raises questions about the method in general. It's been an eye opener to me to see all the processes that lead to segregation of different minerals in the magma. We have gold appearing pure at times, silver pure at times, etc., and no one says this is due to radiometric decay. The geological processes at work have a tremendous ability to separate different kinds of elements and minerals. And yet we expect that uranium-lead ratios are determined by radiometeric decay alone (or at least sometimes)!

       There are so many complicated phenomena to consider like this that it calls the whole radiometric dating scheme into question.

       We haven't even considered the fact that uranium is highly water soluble and lead is not, which could make the dates too old, too. Another factor to consider.

       We now have so many things that can make radiometric dating go wrong, and isochrons don't remedy the situation at all, that I think the weight of evidence of radiometric dating is nullified.

The original has much more technical detail in a university technical paper: 

Two New Dinosaurs Discovered

        Scientists have discovered two giant new dinosaur species in northwest China — a region where dinosaur fossils had never previously been found — according to a study released Thursday in Scientific Reports

       Three of the fossils — dating to about 120 million to 130 million years old, (There is no proof they are this old. Evidence from preserved soft tissue in fossil bones, and Carbon 14 prove they cannot be more than a few thousand years old. And other radiometric dating methods have been falsified. Proof in link below.) from the early Cretaceous period — were initially a mystery to scientists.

Computer Science - › undergraduate › cs-admissions

       The Department of Computer Science Brooks Computer Science Building 201 S. Columbia St. CB 3175 UNC-Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175. Phone: 919-590-6000 Fax: 919-590-6105 Email:

       More Bad News for Radiometric Dating. Proof that radiometric dating is totally false from secular science.

       Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Museum of Brazil were able to determine that two of those belonged to previously unknown species: Silutitan sinensis and Hamititan xinjiangensis.

       Researchers were able to determine that two of those fossils belonged to previously unknown species: Silutitan sinensis and Hamititan xinjiangensi. These are sauropod dinosaurs the largest dinosaurs discovered.

       The Hamititan specimen was 17 meters (55.77 feet) long, with a name related to where the species was discovered — Xinjiang. The species had similar characteristics to the sauropods of South America, according to researchers, which begged the unanswered question: How did dinosaurs from South America end up in China?

        Simple, the Bible indicates that at the time of the creation there was only one continent.

       Genesis 1: “And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.”

       And at the time of Peleg 4348 years later the earth was divided triggered by a massive asteroid swarm. See my books Mysteries of History revealed Part1.

       “There’s strong geological and biblical support for the idea of Pangea, an original supercontinent. It appears this land mass rapidly broke apart during the global Flood by the process of catastrophic plate tectonics (CPT). The movement of the plates also formed the ocean basins and mountains in today’s world.”

    One mistake many creation scientists have made is the earth was not separated at the time of the Flood, but 350 years later during another massive asteroid shower. The earth was cracked at the Flood, but the plats did not separate at that time. I even quoted Henry Morris who agreed with me. See the introduction to my book Part 1.

       GENESIS 10: “25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.”

       These dinosaurs new dinosaurs almost as large as blue whales, which are about 23 to 30 meters (75 to 98 feet) long.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Technology of the New World Order

       “Since the Navy released the video of UAPs and they were confirmed to be authentic, the topic of UFOs has become a lot more mainstream. The questions raised  were partly discussed in a Forbes article written by Ariel Cohen, Energy contributor, and that will be our reference.”

       I have warned that UFOs have been reverse engineered to prepare the world for Antichrist’s Marxist world government. Antichrist will claim he is in contact with an advanced alien civilization that created us through genetic engineering. Of course this is a lie. UFOs entities are deceiving the world and their governments.

What Are the Navy UFO Patents?

       If the Navy UFO patents truly do what they described to do, they have the potential of transforming science and society as we know it through Technocracy a form of technological Communism.

       If you don’t believe this is serious us you can view the Navy UFO patents on Google, and they are very easy to find. They include:


       This is what saucers use to defy gravity and inertia without using energy. They break all the physical laws.

UFOs are from Earth Aliens?

        Of course most secular science is based on atheistic naturalism which I call Fake Science. I have explained that life on other planets is based on the unproven assumption of evolution by a random process. Or an occult interpretation that some kind of unknown intelligence resides in matter itself. This goes back to ancient paganism as Gaia the earth goddess.

    Here is a Greys and a Nephilim hybrid:

        Scientific American (Fake Science) is typical:

       “As we discover numerous habitable planets around other stars in the Milky Way galaxy, (This is a lie. These planets are too far to see details to say they are habitable. This is not science. And these planets are too large or too close or too far from their star. And no livable atmosphere has been proven.) And including the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, one cannot help but wonder why we have not yet detected evidence for an alien civilization. (This puzzles these atheists. It shows there is no life out there since no intelligent signals have been identified.) As the physicist Enrico Fermi asked, “Where is everybody?” (If God had created life elsewhere then they are living in a fallen universe and need Jesus to die for them. And the Bible would have mentioned this life. The Bible only refers to nonphysical life called angels.) Even though the first interstellar object to be discovered in the solar system, 'Oumuamua, had an unusually elongated shape as might be expected from an alien probe, it does not appear to maneuver and is radio-quiet below the level of a single cell phone.” (What they mean is most stellar objects are round. So this object appears to be an asteroid.)

       UFO Expert Says Extremely Advanced Technology Could ... › ufo-expert-says-extremely-advanced-technology-could-explain-sightings-2021-5

       “A former US Navy pilot said pilots saw UFOs in the sky almost daily. A UFO expert says there is no concrete evidence aliens exist but the idea is not off the table. Advanced technology beyond current comprehension could also be at play.”

       They all say UFOs and their entities do not prove they are aliens.

        As I have said these entities are not physical. And there is no evidence they are on other planets. However, that doesn’t mean they cannot go to other planets. I suspect that they are right here on earth in hidden underground complexes preparing to deceive mankind. I have pointed out that these creatures like the Greys. They are not human, but they do have noses. They must breathe our atmosphere, so they do not come from any other planet.   

Evidence of Habitable Planets

        Of course most secular science is based on atheistic naturalism which I call Fake Science. I have explained that life on other planets is based on the unproven assumption of evolution by a random process. Or an occult interpretation that some kind of unknown intelligence resides in matter itself. This goes back to ancient paganism as Gaia the earth goddess.

        Here is an object that secular scientists are hoping would reveal alien life. Also notice this is not a photo, it is a drawing of what they think it looks like.

        Scientific American (Fake Science) is typical:

       “As we discover numerous habitable planets around other stars in the Milky Way galaxy, (This is a lie. These planets are too far to see details to say they are habitable. This is not science. And these planets are too large or too close or too far from their star. And no livable atmosphere has been proven.) And including the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, one cannot help but wonder why we have not yet detected evidence for an alien civilization. (This puzzles these atheists. It shows there is no life out there since no intelligent signals have been identified.) As the physicist Enrico Fermi asked, “Where is everybody?” (If God had created life elsewhere then they are living in a fallen universe and need Jesus to die for them. And the Bible would have mentioned this life. The Bible only refers to nonphysical life called angels.) Even though the first interstellar object to be discovered in the solar system, 'Oumuamua, had an unusually elongated shape as might be expected from an alien probe, it does not appear to maneuver and is radio-quiet below the level of a single cell phone.” (What they mean is most stellar objects are round. So this object appears to be an asteroid.)

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

HAARP Causing Weather Change

       European citizens become increasingly concerned about the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), in principle a military defense program run jointly by the US Air Force and Navy, in conjunction with the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska.

       The reason the university is being used is to prevent freedom of information requests for government black projects.

       Official Website of Dr. Michio Kaku

       This device could be the weapon that is described in Revelation used by Israel to destroy the Russians and radical Muslims.

Physicist/Futurist, Dr. Michio Kaku, author of the new bestselling book, THE GOD EQUATION: The Quest for a Theory of Everything called the successful flight NASA's "Wright Brothers Moment on Mars." He appeared on CNN 's Early Start to discuss the groundbreaking achievement and its historic significance for human advancement. WATCH NOW!

       Dr. Michio Kaku admitted that , HAARP electromagnetic waves can be used to stimulate geophysical events such as can modify the weather, earthquakes, climate change, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and the like.

       Dr. Kaku admitted that ‘made-made hurricanes’ have been the result of a government weather modification program in which the skies were sprayed with nano particles and storms then “activated” through the use of “lasers”.”

This report came out two years ago.

       “I have been wanting to write about HAARP for many years.  What held me back?  It was fear of being called “Conspiratorial” until now.”

       “My readers know me as a writer of truth.  I stay clear of topics which cannot be vetted.  I’ve been reading about HAARP for years, but the globalists snicker and mock at anyone who dares to tread on their turf.”

       I also have found that most information on HAARP is speculation until I found the patents on this project and the research from the European Union who became concerned about the project as a weapon.

       “I will also show the reader that HAARP is being used to create not just changes in our climate, but now there are concerns from scientists that the earth’s magnetic field is shifting, and once again we see that this is a result from the harmful effects of HAARP.”

       Does that sound like only scientific research? Or global weather change caused by man to support Marxist United Nation’s World Government conspiracy, and not by the phony manmade CO2 nonsense?

       The European Union “Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament held a hearing on HAARP and other ‘non-lethal weapons’ in Brussels on 5 February 1998. In Parliament’s report of 14 January 1999 on the environment, security and foreign policy it was characterized as a weapons system which disrupts the climate. Considerable concerns were raised as to its legality under international law, its far-reaching impact on the environment and its ecological and ethical implications, which should be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing.”

       Are they hiding something?

       There have been repeated refusals of the United States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by this competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the high Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) program currently being funded by tax money in Alaska.” 

       “I believe that they are giving a specific year (2030) as a way to intimidate the public. They know that HAARP is causing “Climate Change” and they also know that it is HAARP which is causing the shift/flip in the earth’s magnetic field.

       When the Global Warming (Climate Change) people are demanding that all nations must adopt the U.N. 2030 resolution on regulations for every nation; and claim that the Climate Change is “manmade”  – ironically, this is now truth. But it’s not companies or fossil fuel emissions or automobile emissions causing the changes.”

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Warning to Authors

               SCAM warning to authors.

       AuthorHouse publishing is rated at 45% Excellent, 22% Great, 11% Average, 6% Poor, 16% Bad. Their rating over all is 644 reviews at 3.5 out of 5.

        Reported on TrustPilot.

       Several glowing recommendations, but on complaints they got 83 complaints about authors not receiving royalties and not promoting their book. They got 2 stars out of 5 with 83 complaints 23 resolved and 60 unresolved!