Sunday, January 23, 2022

Chronicles of King Arthur

        I heard about The Chronicles of Britain. Their ancient history from Creation Research Society publication Creation Matters. It revealed that Uther pen Dragon the father of King Arthur was a real person. And it said Uther pen Dragon and Merlin built Stonehenge using Merlin’s unexplained ability to cut and move huge stones.

       Historians today try to suppress the fact that King Arthur was a real person. They ignore this book calling it a legend and not real history. They claim it is a myth because so many fictional stories were written about Arthur and the Grail treasure, and the book mentions dragons, and Druid wizards. So many fictional stories have been written that the truth has been forgotten. 

    Yes he was a real king who subdued most of the world between 5th and 6th centuries for Britain. The book from which this comes is not fiction it is simply record of wars between the Pagan Saxons and the Catholics.   

       It is a long book so I will only take excerpts from it that are about the war between the Saxons and Britain under King Arthur and his father.

       Uther pen Dragon his father was buried in the Giant’s Ring in Belfast, the ring was dated at 2500 BC about the time of the Tower of Babel and Nimrod. More likely built about 1900 BC according to my research just after Babel in Mesopotamia, see Mysteries of History Revealed.

    And King Arthur and his father were descendants of the Nephilim. Goliath was a Nephilim giant. And so was Uther pen Dragon and his son King Arthur. They were Merovingians and their descendants are the 13th highest family of the Kntghts Templar Free Mason Illuminati today. 

    The sword Excalibur has been falsely claimed to be a sword that went from Goliath, to David, to Jesus, to Arthur. It is part of the heresy that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had offspring. The was a lie concocted by descents of the Nephilim Philistines who were the Gnostics to undermine the truth that Jesus was crucified and died in payment for all our sins. Then rose from the dead three days and three nights later. Then went to heaven to prepare a place for us. The heresy means we are still in our sins and cannot be saved.   

       King Arthur and his father in were Nephilim giants and founders of the Knights of the Round Table, forerunner of the Knights Templars who let the Crusades. Then after only a few years left for others to continue the war against the Muslims  to retake Israel. They returned to Europe wealthy building castles and running banks controlling government leaders with central banks. No doubt with the gold treasures they discovered under the Temple Mt. in Jerusalem. 

       The story of King Arthur a Catholic sounds a lot like Donald Trump. In his battles against the Pagan Saxons.

       The name of a region Amorica in France appears in this ancient account. It sounds a lot like America. I wonder if this is the origin to recreate the world government planned by the French Illuminati bloodline of the Nephilim origin in Babel.

        How Did America Get Its Name? | Library of Congress Blog › loc › 2016 › 07 › how-did-america-get-its-name

       It is believed to have been named after Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian explorer who set forth the then revolutionary concept that the lands that Christopher Columbus sailed to in 1492 were part of a separate continent. A map created in 1507 by Martin Waldseemüller was the first to depict this new continent with the name "America," a Latinized version of "Amerigo."

 ARMORICA: Where Is It? What Is It? › celtic › armorican.html

       “Armorica was the last region in Gaul to fall to Caesar. Armorica like the rest of Gaul became part of the Roman province (Gaul Lugdunensis), but unlike the rest of the Gallic provinces, Armorica was never fully Romanized, retaining strong Celtic (Descendants of the Nephilim bloodline from Babel in Mesopotamia) culture and custom.”

       “Armorica “The Roman name for the peninsula of land that protrudes from modern France into the Atlantic Ocean was Armorica. Now far better known as Brittany, Armorica was the Latinised form of a Celtic word or name - Aremorio. The Romans had already coined the name 'Gaul' to describe the Celtic tribes (Associated with worship at megalithic sites) of what is now central, northern and eastern France. The Gauls were divided from the Belgae to the north by the Marne and the Seine, but Belgic tribes had followed the English Channel coastline to occupy and settle areas of Armorica too, probably in the fifth century AD.”




       The Chronicle of the Early Britons –

Brut y Bryttaniait - according to Jesus College MS LXI

       “But tomorrow shall come Ambrosius and Uther, the sons of Constantine (Descendants of the founder of the Christianized Pagan Roman Church founded by the Pharisee Simon the Sorcerer a thousand years before), with twelve thousand mounted knights.

Page 42

       And so Octa and his people were shewn mercy by Ambrosius, (King of Briton) and they were granted land where they might serve him in perpetual servitude, which land was Scotland. And so peace was wrought between them. And so came Ambrosius to Eboracum where he summoned all his earls, his barons and his archbishops. And it was proclaimed by that council that all the churches that had been destroyed by the Saxons, would be rebuilt at the king’s own charges. And after fifteen days, he came to London where also he commanded that all churches be restored, all bad laws amended, all lands wrongfully appropriated to be restored to their rightful owners, and justice to be given to all who might seek it. And from here came he to Winchester to do likewise. (Sounds like Donald Trump) And having pacified all his realm, he went to Salisbury to inspect the graves of those whom Hengist had treacherously slain there, earls, barons and others of nobility. And there were three hundred monks who lived in the monastery of Mount Ambrius, which same monastery had been so named from its founder, Ambri. And Ambrosius was grieved to see the place in ruins. And he summoned all the stonemasons (Forrunner of the Knights Templar Free Masons and carpenters in the land to build a permanent monastery, beautifully adorned, around those hallowed tombs. But when the craftsmen had gathered there together, and could not proceed with the work. (The stones were too heavy to move.)

Page 42-43

       And there were three hundred monks who lived in the monastery of Mount Ambrius, which same monastery had been so named from its founder, Ambri.  

Page 43

Caerleon-on-Usk, approached Ambrosius

and said to him, “Call Merlin to your side, my liege, the druid of Vortigern, for he has unheard of knowledge and strange gifts indeed by which he is able to overcome such things.” And so was Merlin brought before Ambrosius, and the king rejoiced to see him. But upon Ambrosius asking him for prophecies that he might learn what may befall his kingdom, Merlin answered him, “Such prognostications are unlawful save when necessity compels them. And if I were to speak of such things without necessity, then the Spirit who guides me would leave me in my hour of need.” And at that was the king mindful to enquire no more of him, save asking how he would devise the building of a beautiful and everlasting memorial in that place. And Merlin counselled him to set out for Ireland, to the Giant’s Ring (This is where Uther pen Dragon is buried) on Mount Killara - “For there are stones in that place whose nature is mysterious and of which no man knows anything. And not by might nor by power, but by wisdom only can they be brought here. But once they are here, they shall stand for all time.” But Ambrosius laughed, and said, “And how might they be fetched from that place?” And Merlin replied, “Laugh not, my lord, for I tell you but what is true. They are indeed stones of mysterious power within which are properties of healing. And in ancient times did giants (Nephilim) fetch them to where they stand this day, from the farthest reaches of Spain. And they fetched them for this purpose. When one of their number fell sick, they would make a balm in the midst of the stones. Then, washing the stones with water, they mixed the water with the balm and were healed of their wounds by it. And they put herbs in the balm which [herbs] also healed their wounds.” And on learning of these things, the king straightway set out to retrieve the stones. And he sent Uther Pendragon commanding fifteen thousands warriors, and Merlin with him also, for he was the wisest amongst (Secret society) all those of his generation. And in those days did Gillomaur rule in Ireland. And he came to them with a mighty army, and enquired of them the nature of their mission. And when the king learned the reason for their coming, he mocked them and cried, “It is little to be wondered at that any weak nation can lay waste the land of Britain, when the Britons are so feebleminded that they declare war on the people of Ireland for some stones!”

       And on joining battle, they fought desperately while many fell on either side - until Gillomaur took flight and abandoned his men! And then said Merlin, “Use any means you can to remove the stones.” But they could not do so. And Merlin laughed [at their efforts], and with wisdom and but little labour did he remove the stones to the ships. And so were they brought to Mount Ambri. And to that place did Ambrosius summon all his earls and his barons, and all the sacred scholars of the realm, to seek their counsel how he might beautify the place and adorn it. And Ambrosius wore upon his head the crown of the kingdom, and with worship did celebrate Whitsun for three days. And he bestowed upon his subjects their lawful rights, and enriched his noblemen with gold and silver, steeds and arms, as befitted each of them. And having all things prepared, Ambrosius commanded Merlin to assemble the stones as they had been at Killara. And this he did, and all acknowledged that wisdom is better than strength.

       And in those days Paschent, a son of Vortigern, had escaped to Germany where he mustered an army, the greatest he could find, by promising them all manner of riches should they come with him and win back the land of Britain from Ambrosius, son of Constantine.

Page 44

       And when Uther heard of it, he was greatly troubled, for Ambrosius lay sick at Winchester, whilst he himself had not might enough to meet Paschent and Gillomaur in open battle. And they, Paschent and Gillomaur, when they both knew of it, were pleased that Ambrosius lay sick, thinking that Uther could not come against them both alone.

       And then came a certain Saxon to Paschent [who was] named Eppa, and he asked him what reward he would give to the man who should kill Ambrosius. “A thousand pounds would I give to that man and count him my friend to the end of my days should I be king,” Paschent replied, “and I would heap lands upon him and riches to his heart’s content.” To which Eppa answered, “I know of an antidote against Ambrosius as well as the manner [and tongue] of the Britons. Give me but a pledge of all you have promised, and I shall bring about the death of Ambrosius.” And [so] they made a compact. And Eppa shaved his head and his beard after the manner of a monk, and took the implements of a physician with him to the court of Ambrosius. And he caused himself to be made known to some in the palace, saying that he was an accomplished healer. And being delighted to receive him, they announced his arrival to Ambrosius. Whereupon he, Eppa, concocted a poisonous draught for the king, and he, the king, drank it down. And the betrayer counselled him after to rest privily that the poison might take a more speedy effect. And so Eppa disappeared from the court. And in those days a star of wondrous size appeared to Uther, having but a single tail. (No doubt a comet) And at the head of the tail glowed the form of a dragon, from whose mouth issued two shafts of light, the one pointing towards the farthest reaches of Gaul, and the other towards Ireland which divided up into seven thinner shafts of light. And Uther and they who saw the star with him were greatly troubled, and they enquired of the druids what it might portend. And Merlin, weeping, said, “O land of the Britons, now are you robbed of the mighty Ambrosius, a loss that cannot be amended. Yet notwithstanding, you do not want for another like him, for you, Uther, shall be king. Hasten to face your enemies and you shall win the whole realm, for it is you who are portended by this star like a shining dragon. And the shaft of light over Gaul portends a son of yours who shall prosper and conquer many lands. And the other shaft of light portends a daughter of yours whose lineage shall have an inheritance forever!”

       And Uther, though doubtful of Merlin’s words, assaulted his enemies and made war against them, and many fell on either side. But at the last, Uther gained the victory, driving Paschent and Gillomaur headlong to their ships and slaying [their men], as we have already recounted. And having won the day, Uther returned to Winchester to bury Ambrosius, his brother. And to that place came all the archbishops, bishops and abbots in the land. And Ambrosius was buried within the monastery of Ambri, within the Giant’s Ring.

       And Uther called a council and by common assent was anointed king, and the crown of the realm was placed upon his head. And Uther recalled the words that Merlin had spoken to him, and Uther gave orders for two golden dragons to be made and fashioned with wondrous skill in the likeness of that star that he had seen at the end of the shaft of light. And Uther presented one of these dragons to the church at Winchester, but the other he carried before him into battle, from which moment henceforth he was called Uther the Pendragon.

Page 45

And to that feast came Gorlois, earl of Cornwall, whose wife was Ygerna, daughter to the noble Amlawdd. And there was in all the land of Britain neither dame nor damsel as fair as she. And when Uther saw her, he desired her greatly so that he could not conceal [his great love towards her]. Neither could he live without her, but sent her many love tokens, intoxicants in golden cups, and many silly messages. And the earl Gorlois learned of it and was enraged. And he went away from the court without [first seeking] leave of the king. And when Uther heard of it, he was angry, and sent a herald after Gorlois commanding that he should return to court, for it was a great offence to the king to go from his court without leave. And he sent a second herald, and then a third, but still Gorlois would not come. And so the king proclaimed that he would ruin him by fire and sword if he would not come. But still Gorlois refused for all the threats against him.

Page 46

       (Uther disguised himself as Gorlois) And when Uther’s men learned that he, Uther, was not with them [at Castle Dimilioc], they assaulted the castle so heavily that Gorlois was compelled to sally forth and do battle against them. And Gorlois was slain and his army scattered. And straightway there came runners to bring tidings to Ygerna concerning these things. But Uther, who was with her in bed and who still wore the likeness of Gorlois, laughed and said, “But lady, I am not slain. But I must go now and see what men I have lost.” And then Uther returned to his host in his own guise, and was at once grieved for the death of Gorlois, but pleased also [for the seduction of Ygerna]. And from that day forth, Uther took Ygerna for his secret wife, and had by her a son named (King) Arthur and a daughter named Anna, his sister.

       And Loth, the son of Kynvarch [and lord of Lothian], was commander of the hosts of Britain. He it was who married Anna, the daughter of Uther Pendragon. And he was a mighty and a princely man who worshipped truth, and in many wars did he fight against the Saxons - though the Saxons oft defeated him. And when it had been so for some years, and he had lost to them almost the entire kingdom, it was told to Uther that the earl had failed to overcome the Saxons. And Uther was angered exceedingly, and summoned all the nobles of the realm before him to reproach them for their faint-heartedness towards the Saxons. And in that council Uther was advised to let himself be carried in a litter before his army to the town of Verulamium, for in that place were the Saxons killing and burning.

       And the Britons filled in the (Wells that were poisoned by the Saxons) wells with earth, and they buried Uther in the Giant’s Ring.

Giant's Ring - Wikipedia › wiki › Giant's_Ring

The Giant's Ring is a henge monument (megalithic structure built by the giants the Nephilim) at Ballynahatty, near Shaw's Bridge, Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was originally preserved by Viscount Dungannon. The inscribed stone tablet on the wall surrounding the site which details Viscount Dungannon's interest was carved by Belfast stonecarver Charles A Thompson about c.1919.


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       And the Saxons sent to Germany for help in conquering the land of Britain. And there was raised for them a mighty fleet, with Colgrim to lead them. And they overran [the country] from the Humber to Cape Bladdon. And when the nobility of Britain heard of it, they summoned to Silchester all the laity and clergy in the land because of the Saxon peril. And in council it was decided to anoint Arthur as king, even though he was not old enough to wear the crown, being but fifteen years of age. But there was no man who was known by any there to possess the same genius as he. And Arthur bestowed all that he had, and more. And then the princes of the realm charged Dubricius, archbishop of Caerleon-on-Usk, to anoint Arthur king, and to place upon his head the crown. [And this they did] for fear of the pagan Saxons.

And straightway Arthur assembled a mighty host and marched to Eboracum. And on hearing of it, Colgrim mustered a great force of Saxons, Scots and Picts, and bravely engaged Arthur in battle upon the banks of the river Douglas. And many were slain on either side, but in the end Arthur finally won the day and compelled Colgrim to flee. And he, Colgrim, escaped with his host to Eboracum where Arthur laid siege to them to starve them.

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       And they pillaged the land as far as the Severn, and from there went to Silchester where they invested and besieged the city.    And when Arthur knew of it, he straightway hanged the hostages. And he left off fighting the Scots and the Picts, leaving Howel, his nephew, enfeebled through sickness at Alclud in the midst of his foes. And coming upon the Saxons at Silchester, he said to them, “You traiterous knaves! Because you have not kept faith with me, so neither will I keep faith with you!” And then came Dubricius, archbishop of Caerleon-on-Usk, to a high hill from whence he cried with a loud voice, “My lords, and such as be of Christian faith, remember your kindred this day and avenge their blood upon the Saxons, for by God’s help your achievements this day - and your deaths! - will cleanse you from the sin of battle!” And Arthur put on a royal breast-plate, and upon his head he wore a golden helmet with an image of a dragon upon it, and another image also called Prydwen. And on the inner surface was a carved image of Mary, which Arthur carried with him [to save him from the] danger of battle. And he took up his sword called Excalibur, the finest sword in all the land of Britain [and] which was made in the Isle of Avalon. And in his hand he carried a spear called the Rod of Compelling.

And when all had donned their armour, with the archbishop’s blessing they fell furiously upon the enemy, slaying them until nightfall. And as eventide fell, the Saxon host rallied at the top of a high hill where they thought themselves safe. But when the morning came, Arthur took the hill, notwithstanding the Saxons fought with fury. And so in anger did Arthur draw Excalibur, his sword, and calling upon the name of Mary bravely fell upon his enemies, whom he slew with a single stroke. Nor did Arthur cease from killing until he had put to the slaughter four hundred and seventy of the Saxon host.

       Page 49

And Arthur took Guinevere to wife, the daughter of the mighty Gogvran. And her mother was of the Roman nobility. And Cador, earl of Cornwall, had raised her, and there was not a fairer than she in all the land of Britain

       And as winter closed [in], so Arthur returned to the land of Britain, and for twelve years he rested [from his wars] and summoned great and wise men from every land to increase their numbers here. And then went abroad his fame for prowess in battle and that of his comrades.

       And from thence did Arthur go to Islay and subdue it. And when news of this was heard by many of the other islands - as well as Arthur’s prowess in battle, how none could withstand him - then Doldaf, the king of the Scots, and Gwynnwas, the king of the Orkneys, of their own volition paid homage to Arthur, and paid him tribute [also] by the year.

Page 50

       And when Arthur was come to Lochland, there was Riculf with a mighty army to oppose him. And they gave battle, with many falling on either side. But at the last, Arthur slew Riculf and annexed the whole country to himself along with Denmark, and he forced the people to pay him fealty. And he left Loth, the son of Kynvarch, as king over these lands, and from thence did Arthur sail with his fleet to Gaul to subdue it. And to face him came Frollo, who was lord of Gaul under Leo, the emperor of Rome. And he fought against Arthur but could not subdue him, for Arthur’s mounted knights were too numerous and skilful for him. So Frollo took flight to Paris where he mustered the greatest army that he could.

        For his heroism as for his liberal laws and usages, for this land had never seen the like. Nor could any king in those days be likened to Arthur, for every king feared him lest he should make war against him. And when Arthur heard the things that were said of him, he desired to match that praise with [valorous] deeds. And he thought to have conquered all Europe, the third part of all the world. And there was neither king nor mighty lord who did not try to learn the ways and manners of Arthur and his court.

       Page 51

       And after these things, he held his court in Paris to where he summoned all the lords of the isles and the nobles, [both] lay and clergy. And with the consent of all who were gathered there, there were established good laws for every one of these nations. And Arthur bestowed upon Bedevere, his chief butler, the earldom of Normandy. And to Kay, his chief steward, the earldom of Anjou, and [lands to] all his other servants according to their worthiness. And by his liberality and love he united them in peace.

Page 52

       And after the Eucharist, they, the king and queen, went to the palace, and laying aside their regal apparel they put on other garments and went to the hall to eat.

More info on Stonehenge

                 I wrote an article on King Arthur that proves he was a real historical military leader of England. He was a Catholic who he believed in God. But he worshipped the goddess Mary. 

Megalithic worshipp sites are associated with UFOs and crop circles. Here is Stone hendge a with a crop circle nearby.

       When I went to Texas to the Institute for Creation Research and Creation Research Society conference as a speaker August 1, 2015

       I mentioned this from an article in Acts & Facts December 2014 A Recent Origin for Stonehenge? By Brian Thomas M.S.  

       I just came across this article again so I want to add the information to my previous article.

       Secular archaeologists have dated Stonehenge at 6000 to 2500 BC. Of course their dates are based on evolution speculation. I already said in the previous article that this is too old to fit the Biblical time scale and historical accounts also refute these false dates.

       Most historians assume King Arthur was a myth because it contradicts their Fake Science. Also many fictional stories have been written to muddy the water. The fact is his story contradicts the secular interpretation of history so they don’t want people to realize how important his story really is.

       Here is a quote from National Geographic which is a LIE, “With no written records to fall back on, the mysterious stone structure has spawned countless theories involving Celts, Druids, Romans, and even the King Arthur legend. Its original shape has been a matter of great debate, including whether it was built as a semicircle, as seen today, or a full circle of stones.”  From Fake News and Fake Science.

       There are many historical accounts that record the linages of royalty that trace them back to Japheth the son of Noah. And they hate anything that supports the Bible as real history. They falsely claim they don’t know who built Stonehenge. This is a lie.

       The National Geographic article says they are using ground penetrating radar which has revealed, “An astonishing complex of ancient monuments, buildings, and barrows has lain hidden and unsuspected beneath the Stonehenge area for thousands of years. Scientists discovered the site using sophisticated techniques to see underground.

Among the discoveries are 17 ritual monuments, including the remains of a massive "house of the dead," hundreds of burial mounds, and evidence of a possible processional route around Stonehenge itself.

There's also evidence of a nearby mile-long "superhenge" at Durrington Walls that was once flanked by as many as 60 gigantic stone or timber columns, some of which may still lie under the soil.

The discoveries result from the Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project, a four-year effort to create a high-resolution, 3-D underground map of the landscape surrounding Stonehenge.

The project team, led by researchers from the U.K.'s University of Birmingham and Austria's Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, mapped the area down to a depth of about three metres (10 feet) using ground-penetrating radar, high-resolution magnetometers, and other state-of-the-art remote-sensing equipment.

In all, nearly 3,000 acres have been excavated virtually, making this the largest and most ambitious project of its kind ever undertaken anywhere in the world.”


       The Chronicle of the Early Britons which they ignore, mentions many city names that are with us today, as well as the names of many known historical figures.

       These ancient accounts show that we do know who built many megalithic structures, that giants were real, that Arthur did have an unusual sword called Excalibur, and Merlin was a real Druid wizard who had the ability to move gigantic stones. And the ancients knew that dragons were real animals.

       Stonehenge was referred to as the Giants Ring where healing miracles occurred.

       King Ambrosius brother and commander of the army Uther Pendragon (father of Arthur) accompanied Merlin who had the ability to move large stones from Killara in Ireland to England because it had the ability to heal people. These stones originally came from Spain or Africa moved by the giants (Nephilim hybrid humans in the past).

         Secular historians are wrong as usual when it comes to the dating of Stonehenge. They believe it was built 3000 to 2000 BC. The falsely believe it was prehistoric. There is no such thing as prehistoric. Written accounts go back to the Garden of Eden when the universe was created.

       From ancient accounts of the comet seen by Ambrosius and Uther (from which he got his name Pen Dragon) which had a tail and looked like a dragon was in 504 AD

Monday, January 10, 2022

Roswell & Bible Prophecy

        The Roswell, New Mexico saucer crash has remained a mystery and most of the evidence has been hidden. And even today Wikipedia lies about it saying it was a giant balloon.

       Wikipedia is Fake News, I have caught them lying about other things just like the establishment media and politicians.

       The Roswell Rock: “This mysterious stone was found by Roswell New Mexico resident Robert Ridge in the fall of 2002 while deer hunting in the El Capitan Mountain Range outside the city. He spotted the rock near some underbrush lying in a sand bar near the edge of a trail while tracking the deer. Through the next few years, he kept the rock in his pocket for good luck and started noticing positive changes occurring in his everyday life. Was possession of this strange stone responsible for these changes? He started to wonder about the possibilities.”

       People are always ready to make an idol out of something to worship, and forget God the creator.  God’s Word says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
       “The lines and shapes of the ‘carving’ seemed too precise, too perfect, and had the odd appearance that it had somehow been raised up from out of the natural surface of the rock. (Because it was not carved into the rock but is rasied above the surface of the rock) Experts and professionals began examining it, but were unable to determine how it could have been carved. They said that even under a microscope, no evidence of tool work of any kind could be found. This in itself was probably enough to make it an object worthy of continued study….but there was more.
       Passing a magnet over it would cause either clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation depending on the placement of the magnet. Interesting – but more than that, two dominant elements in the design, tangential circles featuring yin-yang crescent moons, seemed to be placed precisely on these two rotational pull points…”

       Yin and Yang is a pagan religious belief. It is the same as The Force and the Dark Side in Star Wars. And it is based on the Satanist belief in White and Black magick. The occultists believe the supernatural is based on these two forces. They do not believe Satan is a living being, but rather a force of nature.

       The fact that it is on a black polarized magnetic rock which must contains a lot of iron and it looks a lot like some meteorites a friend found in the California desert. Iron meteorites when suspended over a magnet are polarized. I have come to believe that these particular ancient  meteorites are from the worldwide asteroid shower that struck the earth triggering Noah’s flood, and again soon after people were scattered from Babel. 

       I have pointed out that UFOs are often seen near crop circles, and these are often near ancient megalithic structures and pagan sacred sites built by the giants before they arrived, according to Native Americans. These megalithic stone sites were built by the descendants of the Nephilim scattered from Babel about 2000 BC.

       The design engraved on the artifact resembles precisely a crop circle which appeared in Liddington England in 1996, and another with a similar symbol in northern Arkansas in June of 2007. Pictographs with similar symbols were found on rock carvings in northern Arizona and theoretically thought to represent a supernova that exploded on July 5th, 1054 AD which was observed by the Native Americans at that time.

        Famed Crop Circle researcher and investigator Colin Andrews was sent all the information on the rock with detailed photos. 

       He said it matched the geometry he had discovered in the crop circle in Liddington England.

          At a MUFON symposium held in Denver 2008, Andrew Wheeler and Doe Kelly who vendors at the symposium. Two Crop Circle researchers and investigators, they’ve personally explored over 90 Crop Circle formations, and investigated the 1996 Liddington Crop Circle depicted on the rock. They said the Crop Circle they investigated measured high (EMF) Electromagnetic Magnetic Fields and caused extreme mood swings when they were inside it. Doe stated, “Out of all the Crop Circle formations I’ve been in, this was the most memorable”. As vendors and Crop Circle enthusiasts, both Andrew and Doe had never seen a rock like this.

       Similar EMF and odd sensations have occurred at Skinwalker Ranch in Utah.

       I believe most of the advanced technology we are using in electronics today is based on alien technology in preparation for the coming of Antichrist and his claims of contact with aliens who have demanded we create a world government. And they may have offered to help us technology as a bribe. This is prophesied in the Bible. They want a NWO Technocracy form of Communism.

       Philip J. Corso describes some of his experiences working at the Pentagon with some of the artifacts recovered from the Roswell saucer crash.

              The artifacts saved from the Roswell incident are described in Philip J. Corso’s book chapter titled “The Roswell Artifacts.” The Day After Roswell. New York: Rosewood Woods Production, 1997. The information below comes from pages 35-48.

       He did research and development for the army division in the foreign (alien) technology desk. A cabinet with top secret objects enclosed was sent secretly to his office.  The general who was over him warned him that the Air Force, the Navy, the CIA, and the Russians would kill to see these objects. And he had to keep them a secret. Corso describes some of the objects that were inside of this “cabinet”. Corso tested some of these objects. They included objects that were clearly not from earth. 

    There was a clear strand of flexible and glassy wires wound together that were thinner than copper wire. This is where fiberoptics originated which has increased the speed of the Internet to the speed of light. We do know that fiberoptics DID come from Roswell. Under light, the object glowed in many different colors.

       Two thin plastic-like quarter-sized objects were also found with wires etched into their surface. They were said by Corso to be a type of circuit except they couldn’t be plugged in anywhere (At that time). This may have been the origin of the computer chip which we know did come from Roswell.

       There were dark, thin, elliptical pieces that were said to be contact-lenses of an extra-terrestrial creature. We do know that night vision came from Roswell.

       I have also seen commercials on NewsMax television about an all new HD Tactical Visor which blocks sun and nighttime car light blinding glare with TWO visors, one for day and one for night time driving.  Easy to install and fits all vehicles. visor/?msclkid=cbd18d88a50e1f725b39ec53f9db4740

       The alien device reflected light and they even lit-up and outlined objects in total darkness.

       There was also a piece of dull, gray, foil that could not be folded, bent, or torn. This is now used in our spacecrafts as reentry shields. And it was the origin of memory metal that can be made into a small lump. Then it returns to its original size and shape. Corso described this as a “metallic fiber with ‘supertenacity,’ but when I tried to cut it with scissors, the blades just slid right off without making even a nick in the fibers” (Corso Page 46).

       He also found a high intensity flashlight with an unknown power source. No doubt the Definition of LED semiconductor diode that emits light when a voltage is applied to it that is used in newer vehicle headlights, flashlights, and in electronic devices as an indicator light.  The alien device projected a red circle of light that seemed to burn through objects. This is used in CDs and in lasers. And it cut holes in things.
       Corso’s book The Day After Roswell is very convincing because it is from the viewpoint of a credible citizen who actually worked with these artifacts. The book also includes the summary of the Roswell incident and much more. The part of Chapter I have summarized supports the existence of an alien intelligence. There is no possible way that humans designed these devices because they have puzzled professional scientists.

       The U.S. was at the top of the technological world at this time, and Russia was behind us. Yet these artifacts were far more advanced created with unknown materials and were made by a much more intelligent being. But this does NOT prove they are aliens from another planet. This is based on the Fake Science of evolution created by the illuminati to undermine belief in the Bible so people will not reject the world government as the Antichrist as described in their plan. 

       The parts of the saucer wreckage included parts of the craft. An I beam had unknown writing engrave into it. And there was some alien hand prints. And these had 6 figures like the Nephilim.

       I noticed that these creatures like the Greys, Nordics, and Reptilian have noses and they don’t wear space suites like we have to on the moon. There is no known planet that has an oxygen atmosphere. This indicates that these creatures are from earth. Unless they can morph into another body.

       There is no evidence of aliens living on other planets. Our astronauts walked on the moon and left tracks that can be seen from the earth. So why aren’t trackways seen all over the Moon and Mars.

       However, there is evidence of a wheeled vehicle on the moon leaving two lines.

       Images from the Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera, or LROC: a system of three cameras mounted on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) that capture high resolution photos of the lunar surface. Link to this video:

       It looks like someone in the past was exploring the moon with a robot rover like we are doing on Mars.

       Does this prove aliens have been there? No, because I believe there was an advanced civilization on earth before Noah’s Flood which may have reached the Moon and Mars. And at Babel the Nephilim were trying to recreate the technology which was destroyed in the worldwide Flood, when man was contacted by the Fallen Angels and produced offspring, the Nephilim before and after the Flood.

       God destroyed them in the Flood/asteroid shower/geologic upheaval.

       It is interesting that some crop circles have symbols used in ancient Sumer, i.e. Babel.

       The tower of Babel unfolds in Genesis 11:1-9. They were trying to do what we are doing today to reach the moon and planets. They were not ignorant. I believe they could have actually succeeded, and that is why God confounded their languages. The Bible says:

       Genesis 11:5-9 says, “But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The LORD said, ‘If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.’ So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel —because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.”

        I believe that our top secret scientists and government officials have been convinced that we are in contact with an extremely advanced alien race from another planet. But they are being deceived.

       Private researchers who do not believe the Bible have also been deceived.

       I believe the Greys, Reptilians, Nordics, are embodied wandering spirits of Nephilim that died. By the way the descendants of the Nephilim are still with us. They are the Illuminati.

       Since they are not entirely human, but rather human hybrids they are classed with the Fallen Angels and they haven’t been sentenced yet. So they don’t go to Heaven or Hell.

       I believe the Illuminati are creating bodies for these spirits from genetic engineering of human and animal genes. This is the reason for cattle mutilation, abductions, contactees, and aborted babies. They recruit humans to work for them. I believe they live in underground complexes. They are creating advanced technologies to impress us ignorant humans. And are telling world leaders led by Satan to create the New World Order under Antichrist.

        Three Frogs of Revelation 16:13 | Three Powerful Demons › beast › three-frogs-revelation-1613.html

       "Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs (Reptilians?); they came out of the mouth of the dragon (Satan), out of the mouth of the beast (The Antichrist) and out of the mouth of the false prophet (Jesuit Pope). They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world (The United Nations), to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty."

       As a cover the Demons produce events that convince people they are from another planet to hide the truth. And they fear we will destroy our planet with atomic weapons if they don’t interfere.

       I believe the crash at Roswell was deliberate, to convince the government about aliens, and to give us the technology for Antichrist’s world government.

        As a Christian and a researcher into UFOs for many decades, having seen a few UFOs myself and hearing about sightings by relatives and friends I know they are real. But as a Christian, I know that there are no aliens in the universe. There are only angels and their creations. So the only explanation is the one I have just explained.

       Well you say what about the Roswell crash? There were bodies of two Greys, and one was a little humanoid wandering around dazed. These genetically engineered bodies are expendable. After all they have been wandering spirits looking for someone to possess till the person dies. They need bodies to operate in a physical world.

       This is one of the signs of the soon return of Jesus to remove believers before this invasion. Then 7 years later we return with Jesus to Drain the Swamp and set up His kingdom.