Monday, January 4, 2021

Tarzan was he Real?

       The legend of Tarzan. Was he a real person?

I read a book many years ago that claimed Tarzan was based on a real person. Of course I knew he could not have lived with apes. I suggested that they may have been Big Foot which are humans.

I now believe the legend of Tarzan is fiction.

We do know that the author Edgar Rice Burroughs founded the city of Tarzana.  And he was in the Cavalry under Custer but left before they were slaughtered by Sitting Bull, the trigger fingers of the soldiers were made into neckless worn by Sitting Bull which is in the Ripley Museum in San Francisco.

Here is what we know. There really was an English Baron of Greystoke or Greystoke and Disney and others made films based on Edgar Rice Burroughs books:,_5th_Baron_Greystoke