On the History Channel they have a new program on UFOs in America based on an ongoing Pentagon research program. They are very concerned about of the UFO threat to national security.
I watched it last night. It was about UFOs seen by military pilots and military men at military bases with atomic weapons. In one case atomic missiles were shut down when a UFO was seen, which never happens under normal circumstances.
They say the Pentagon has been researching this subject because it presents a threat to our national security. They have proven UFO craft do exist, but are puzzled by what the phenomena could be, and where they come from, and why they are appearing mainly at atomic and military bases.
They have confirmed that UFOs are not man made. And they exhibit characteristics that are physically impossible for physical beings or craft. They levitate silently with no evidence of a propulsion force, they are not effected by air, water, of vacuum in space. They are anti-inertial – hovering, and suddenly move at tremendous speeds that would squash anything physical. They do not accelerate, they attain vast speeds and stops suddenly. They make impossible right angle turns at vast speeds, and reverse suddenly. They also can change shape, divide into two craft, and disappear. They can be seen only on infrared at times. And seen on radar only. Or both radar and visually. The closest thing to illustrate what they do is a flashlight beam when you flash it around.
I believe this proves they are either non-physical supernatural in nature, or they are projected holograms. John Keel, Jacques Vallee believe they are not physical and are part of all the other supernatural phenomenon. Vallee has connected them to secret societies that use the eye in the triangle which represents Horus the son of the sun god, Baal the sun god Lucifer. Valee titled his book, Messenger of Deception, and said they were leaders of the Unenlightened!
In Egypt the sun god was symbolized by the solar magic square of 666. Antichrist will claim to be Jesus, but is actually the counterfeit.
The program narrowed their presentation to only the subject of UFOs appearing at military atomic sites, military jet pilots, and also the atomic energy sites. They left out 99% of other phenomena. UFO researcher John Keel that dealt with mothmen and contactees, etc. said, “In order to understand the phenomena you have to research all of the data including legends of supernatural entities.”
They did not mention the abductees, implants, contactees messages from UFO entities, crashed saucers, miniature UFOs, elementals, implants, mental telepathy crop circles, abductees, cattle mutilation, Greys, and connection to witchcraft, demonic possession, trance states, hypnosis, etc.
The Pentagon researchers don’t have a clue to what these things are, who they are, where they come from, and why they are here. They have an agnostic viewpoint based on evolution.
One researcher said we don’t know if they are connected to this phenomenon in the past or not.
The Bible always gives us clues to everything that happens in this world. The phenomenon fits what the Bible tells us is from Satan, his angels, Demon spirits, and their human agents.
In my research and encounters I have found that their messages to contactees and abductees is, our atomic weapons are endangering man and other beings in the universe. And that man must evolve and create a world government. That we are their creation guiding our evolution. This is theistic evolution, and many Christians have been deceived by it promoted by false prophets like Hugh Ross, and the authors of the book I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Norman L. Geisler, Frank Turek, David Limbaugh.
I met Frank Turek at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. It was at a creation science conference. I heard him saying, “I don’t agree with Institute for Creation Research. I went and asked him you don’t believe in creation? He said no. I said, “You don’t believe in Genesis?” He suddenly got in a hurry and did not answer me. That was about two years ago.
Just a couple days ago I saw one of the other authors on Daystar television. And on Turning Point he gave an excellent presentation about how Christians should act. Then he mentioned he was one of the authors of I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist! It shows you how clever False Prophets can be. The Bible says Satan appears as an angel of Light, thus the name of his followers the Illuminati. And that his Fallen Angels appear to be angels of Light. I have found that Calvary Chapel chain has been infiltrated by Jesuits and Masons leading the movement to bring Catholics, Muslims, and Christians together. The Bible warns in Second Corinthians 6:14, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?”
God warned the Israelites not to marry the Gentiles because they had Nephilim (Ananaki are not aliens they are descendants of Anak) human hybrid bloodlines the seed of the Serpent, and would lead them to worship Demons. Today these bloodlines (Illuminati) are behind the Socialist Conspiracy against Making America Great Again.
The program did not mention messages from contactees, or that these become possessed by evil spirits that often appear as Greys. And that right after WW 2, the CIA had one of their agents telepathically contact a UFO and it appeared outside their window. The CIA went on to create technology similar to UFOs along with mind control using drugs of all kinds as well as electromagnetic mind manipulation. The CIA invented LSD. In one of their experiments a man went crazy and jumped out a window.
The program did not mention that UFOs are often seen in war zones. Or that they appear at ancient worship sites where earth’s magnetic field produces vortexes along ley lines like Stonehenge.
Some of these UFOs could be God’s Holy Angels protecting man. Like the time Russia with the Arabs was moving down to attack Israel in the Arab Israeli War and push them into the sea. Then the enemy tanks stopped in the desert for no reason. Later the Israelis learned from prisoners that UFOs landed in front of their tanks.
And during WW2 Men in white were seen riding white horses parallel to our soldiers. And later the Germans were firing machine guns at an empty field. Later the Germans said there were men in white on that field.
I believe most UFO phenomena is to program people to believe that dead people can become ghosts promoting communication with the dead and ancestor worship, thus supporting Satan’s lie that, “You will not shurly die,” and that you can be reincarnated as someone else.
And UFOs are to program people to believe in extraterrestrial aliens who evolved on another planet. Thus Satan will deceive man when Satan possesses the world ruler Antichrist, and his False Prophet. And that aliens are here to create a New World Order under a socialist/Marxist government of peace without God. And that extraterrestrial aliens have made contact with us to help us evolve into gods with their advanced technology and help our evolution.
These ancient alien theorists like Erich von Daniken are atheists trying to undermine the truth found in the Bible and in the facts, not the speculative science fiction theories, but the proven facts of science. Daniken admitted he learned to be an atheist as a child in a Jesuit school (This was on Ancient Aliens program).
The Bible says Satan deceives the whole world. Then they will worship Satan (Baphomet) as God along with his Angels (Catholic Saints). Then the seed of the serpent will rule the world making slaves out of people using mind control and technology.