Friday, June 19, 2020

Conversation with Author Ralph Epperson

I had this conversation on Facebook with the famous author of The Unseen Hand, a book that exposes the socialist satanic Illuminati conspiracy of the New World Order and New Age religion.   

Michael Jackson was a friend of Uri Geller the psychic. And was part of Jewish pagan occult religion. Kabellah is Jewish witchcraft which they learned in Egypt and Babylon captivity.

In 2005, Jackson was accused of child molestation. During his trial in Santa Ana, Calif., fans were surprised to see that he was wearing a Kaballah bendel in a photo with his father. MSNBC reported that it was possibly Elizabeth Taylor who introduced him to the mystical studies of the “Zohar.”
Zohar was written by the Pharisee Simon the Sorcerer who went to Peter to get the power to cast out Demons. Simon went on to found the Roman Catholic Church a hybrid Satanic Christian Church. This indicates the connection between Hollywood and the Learned Elders of Zion the Illuminati.

Gabriel Green founder of the Flying Saucer Clubs of America told us at his home in Yucca Valley near George Van Tassel's Integratron area near Giant Rock that 13 was the number of the world ruler who would save the world. The Antichrist. You say 13 is the number of the United Nations.
Epperson’s answer: one of the runways for NASA is numbered 33. But, please no more messages. I have work to do.
The Great Pyramid was designed by God and that is why Satan has counterfeited it.

No, Satan's number is 276 magic square of 23. 13 is rebellion like Nimrod and Babel.

Disney a Mason named his mouse character Mortimer Mouse, his wife suggested Mickey Mouse. It seems that his wife was a mason too.
And in the logo signature researchers have found 666 in it. And Disney has always promoted Masons like Davy Crockett and witchcraft themes.
Epperson’s response: These ancient mystery religion initiates believe that the 1000 year reign of Lucifer was to start on Jan 1, 2000 (6000 years of man), 1000 years of reign on Satan.

The Tribulation Period is the 7 year millennium of the Antichrist. The counterfeit millennium. They knew the prophecy in the Bible that a thousand years was a day symbolized in the 7 days of creation. So they goofed. The Bible says you will not know the day or the hour, only the season.

The number 13 symbolizes rebellion. Satanism is the religion of rebellion. It is the number of Babylon.

The American Eagle was selected because it represents the serpent/bird The Phoenix which represents the reincarnation of the Antichrist and his revival of Babel out of the fires of Baal the sun god. It is also used by evolutionists which claim birds evolved from reptiles the dinosaurs.

The Knights Templars worshiped the Satanic idol Baphomet. In Charleston South Carolina they also moved an idol of Baphomet into this lodge in the 1800s. This is where the planed riot occurred with Antifa, White Supremacist, and Black Lives Matter terrorist groups.

I heard that the Knights of the Golden Circle, that Jessie James and John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln's assassin) were members, they tried to keep the Civil War going.

You show Albert Pike's book Morals and Dogma on it is the two headed Eagle. This is the god Janus. The a god of motion he looks after passages, causes actions to start and presides over all beginnings, and since movement and change are bivalent, he has a double nature, symbolized in his two headed image looking back and looking forward.

Epperson: How does knowing that Pike's use of the god Janus compare with the evidence that at the 30th Degree, the Mason takes a sword in his hands and vows to destroy Christianity?

Washington DC: was designed like Pagan worship sites with Megalithic structures, and like Catholic churches. This is why they call them Masons.
OK before you explain the masonic square and compass. With my intuition and knowledge, I will interpret what I see. The G stands for Gaia the Earth Mother, Mother Nature the UnHoly spirit in the satanic trinity. The prototype was Semiramis wife of Nimrod. They were the prototypes for all the polytheistic Nephilim gods and goddesses of all people groups scattered from Babel. The compass measures the earth subduing it under their control. It makes a circle representing the sun god Baal Satan 666. The rays around it represent halos or aura meaning a deity. The compass is also the eye of the sun god Lucifer in the triangle. The square ruler may represent the earth but I am not sure. Blue is a royalty color.

Yes, it also stands for Gnosis. Gnostic mystics the bloodline of the Nephilim worshiped knowledge. They wrote a lot of false gospels in the centuries right after Jesus was Crucifixion. Today evolutionists worship knowledge instead of God. Mercury was another name for Cush (trance medium) the father of Nimrod the god of enlightenment or knowledge. Mercury the god of the electromagnetic lay lines marked by megalithic structures where crop circles form, and UFOs are most often seen. Satan offered knowledge to Eve the origin of the Illuminati and Gnosticism.

Yes, Washington DC and Disneyland and other Masonic sites are like Druidic Megalithic sites with geometric designs and alignments that can be extended all over the world.

The world will come to us the Masons said. For sovereigns and pontiffs. Closely related Merovingians of the royal bloodline of the 13th Family of the Illuminati of the descendants of the Nephilim of Babel. The descendants of Nimrod. They will be kings, queens, Presidents, leaders of corporations, prominent Protestant minsters, leaders of Pagan and False Religions, Popes. And these two bloodlines of royal lineages of the Nephilim hybrids will produce the secular Antichrist to lead the world government as a dictator, and the False Prophet a Jesuit Pope to lead the world church in New Age Religion.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Nephilim, Chimera, Cattle Mutilations, and Planned Parenthood

The CFR controlled media and Planned Parenthood lied when they claimed they were not profiting from selling baby body parts. It makes you wonder, what are these biolabs using these parts for. They sound a lot like cattle mutilations. Are they creating hybrid creatures like the Nephilim or chimera? Chimera are living things with sets of DNA from two different organisms.

There is a research biolab at the hidden Area 61 in the San Bernardino mountains in California.