Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Nephilim Mummified Hand?

In a Peruvian tunnel in the desert, a mummified three-fingered hand with 8-inch fingers was found. At first you might think this is a hoax, but when a physician examined it in Cusco, Peru, he found it revealed it was skin and bone, with six bones in each finger. Odd like the giants, elongate skulls, double row of teeth, odd skull sutures not found in humans.

This mummified hand was presented to Peruvian Nephilim researcher Brien Foerster, University of Victoria, Biological Sciences Department, who operates Hidden Inca Tours. The hand was found with a small elongated mummified skull and a tiny mummified body.

The local person who owns the items told Foerster that they were found in the southern desert of Peru in a tunnel January 2016.


This is the same area where elongate skulls have been found in Peru. They are not natural. They appear to be genetically engineered. I believe that Greys are among these. Bodies to be possesed by wandering spirits of Demons involved with UFOs.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Integratron a Vortex or Star Gate

I saw Ancient Aliens program called The Immortality Machine. This documented the work of George Van Tassel a UFO contactee in the Mojave Desert. He built a circular building which he claimed could recharge cells of your body so you could live forever. It is called the Integratron.

Of course this is false. It might extend life but death is part of the curse on man. Satan told Eve, “Thou shalt not surly die.” This was a typical half lie. He meant you will not drop dead immediately, but slowly over time. Yes life can be extended, but everything comes to an end, the law of physical science called entropy and the second law of thermodynamics. Only God can give you immortality outside the physical dimension with a new celestial body.

Men and Fallen Angels in their rebellion have always ignored God and sought to cheat death, but have failed like the Egyptians. This is also why occultists believe in reincarnation. When a person is possessed by a spirit and the man dies it releases this spirit guide to become a wandering spirit looking for someone else to possess.

My wife and I visited the second wife of Van Tassel at her home in Landers San Bernardino County California, next to the Integratron about 1985. 

She told us that the Integratron was built on a vortex. And if you looked through the vortex it would cause light to move like looking through the heat of a bonfire. 

These vortex sights are found at Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, and other megalithic sites, or among oak trees, etc. They are sacred sights to Druids and native people and their Shaman who worship the son of the sun god Horus symbolized as a magic square in ancient Egypt as 666. The Antichrist.

Giant Rock is a few miles from the Integratron, it is sacred to the Hopi natives, one of the oldest tribes. Many native people around the world were scattered from Babel in Mesopotamia about 2000 BC going into the whole world taking their knowledge and pagan religion with them. These  sacred sites are where they contacted their spirit gods. They often go into underground places to contact the earth mother the goddess Gaia, to contact spirits using peyote to get into an altered state. In New England east coast of America people found what they thought were colonist wine cellars, however they are associated with the mound builders which the natives said were giants. And Barry Fell in his book America BC says he discovered some with inscriptions stating “Baal” the pagan son of the sun god worshipped by the Philistines and Phoenicians. Baal (Horus in Egyptian) was the son of  Semiramis and Nimrod dictator of Babel Tammuz. She claimed Tammuz was the reincarnation of Nimrod. His bloodline will lead to the coming Antichrist. Semiramis was one of those who produced offspring from Fallen Angels creating the Nephilim bloodline that has ruled the world for thousands of years as the Illuminati.

The sacred sites are on electromagnetic lay lines where they cross. They said on the Ancient Alien documentary that Giant Rock is on one of these. 

The giant granite boulder is the largest natural standing boulder on top of rock pedestals creating a hollow space below used by Van Tassel and others. George said a UFO landed nearby and took him on board where he was given the plans for the Integratron. 

 Picture below shows the Integratron at the bottom, and the arrow shows where Giant Rock is.

The UFO landing spot near Giant Rock is a circular area where nothing was growing. They claim it is a UFO landing pad. It has been covered by sand since we were there.

The documentary said that Giant Rock contains large quartz crystals. I know this is true because I got a sample in 1985 of exfoliated granite from it, and I noted it had unusually large quartz crystals. 

This granite was partially melted (metamorphic) rock from volcanic activity upthrusting basement granate. No doubt around 2000 BC during Peleg's Division and scattering from the Tower of Babel, when the continents were divided by a worldwide cataclysm. 

Quartz under pressure produces electricity. Quartz is used in microphones to turn sound waves into electrical impulses called piezoelectricity. A very interesting subject. And appears to be the key to what Van Tassel was working on to rejuvenate cells.

“Piezoelectricity is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials (such as crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA and various proteins) in response to applied mechanical stress. The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure and latent heat. It is derived from the Greek word πιέζειν; piezein, which means to squeeze or press, and ἤλεκτρον ēlektron, which means amber, an ancient source of electric charge. (The word Electricity comes from a Latin word meaning "like amber". Amber is the fossilized sap from ancient trees often containing fossil insects, etc. used in jewelry. By rubbing silk on amber draws off electrons creating a static charge) French physicists Jacques and Pierre Curie discovered piezoelectricity in 1880.

The piezoelectric effect results from the linear electromechanical interaction between the mechanical and electrical states in crystalline materials with no inversion symmetry. The piezoelectric effect is a reversible processmaterials exhibiting the piezoelectric effect (the internal generation of electrical charge resulting from an applied mechanical force) also exhibit the reverse piezoelectric effect, the internal generation of a mechanical strain resulting from an applied electrical field. For example, lead zirconate titanate crystals will generate measurable piezoelectricity when their static structure is deformed by about 0.1% of the original dimension. Conversely, those same crystals will change about 0.1% of their static dimension when an external electric field is applied to the material. The inverse piezoelectric effect is used in the production of ultrasonic sound waves.

Piezoelectricity is exploited in a number of useful applications, such as the production and detection of sound, piezoelectric inkjet printing, generation of high voltages, electronic frequency generation, microbalances, to drive an ultrasonic nozzle, and ultrafine focusing of optical assemblies. It forms the basis for a number of scientific instrumental techniques with atomic resolution, the scanning probe microscopies, such as STMAFMMTA, and SNOM. It also finds everyday uses such as acting as the ignition source for cigarette lighters, push-start propane barbecues, used as the time reference source in quartz watches, as well as in amplification pickups for some guitars and triggers in most modern electronic drums.”

In my study of UFOs I came to the conclusion that Fallen Angels and spirits use the electromagnetic field concentrated at sacred sites or vortexes of the earth during certain times of the year to implant thoughts into people’s minds. And that they can generate electromagnetic holograms, and possibly create objects from energy transmogrification.

Another place that could be a vortex is in Horsethief Canyon, Corona, California.

As a major center of the Second California Gold Rush, Corona is home to more than its fair share of paranormal sightings. Named for the gang of desperadoes who once made the canyon their home. They are believed to have camped in a circle of trees.

EMF (electromagnetic frequency meters) tend to spike when entering the woods around the canyon. These devices detect electromagnetic radiation like radio waves given off by all electronic devices. But when they detect electromagnetism in an area that has no electronics, only trees, soil, and rocks it is unexplained. Druids worshipped under oak trees, is it possible the circle of trees are oaks?

I heard that there is another sacred spot. The Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians-Kizh Nation is seeking protection for an ancient oak tree in the Jurupa Valley of Riverside County California that is endangered by housing development. Called the Jurupa Oak, the Kizh call it the Hurungna Oak so named for a Gabrieleño/Kizh village that once was located nearby and worshiped under this tree like the Druids, the tree is considered not only sacred in California native culture, but also extraordinary due to its age. The tree has been “scientifically” determined to be at least 13,000 years old, (Of course this is false, this oak is more likely 4 thousand years old. All native peoples were scattered from Babel about this time in 2 thousand BC.) making it not only the oldest known living organism in California and second oldest in North America, but, the third oldest living organism on earth.

Back at Horsethief Canyon, Cold spots infest the trails of the canyon (like in haunted houses heat is a form of electromagnetic radiation), and hikers frequently complain of red, itchy eyes and difficulty breathing. Some have even reported dizziness and disorientation when hiking through this wilderness. Groups of visitors and psychics have reported that the member holding the brightest flashlight was subjected to dust clouds, loud noises, and even a sensation of being physically pushed and struck. Of course this could be suggestion, and there is no physical proof.

However there is some hard evidence of something paranormal here. The outlaw’s campsite, known as “The Circle of Trees”, is where supernatural activity is strongest.

EMF detection is off the charts, air pressure low, and many visitors report small glowing orbs floating through the air.

These glowing balls appear in many colors and are commonly known at paranormal sites. They are known as elementals. I know of four family members and friends who have seen them on 5 occasions. And I believe I saw two myself. One of these was a large black ball high in the sky against white clouds. Another was a brilliant white ball at a distance.

Ancient legends refer to them as fairies, gnomes, trolls, spirit lights, elves, ghost lights, will-o'-the-wisp, etc. That is what Disney’s Tinker Bell is. These are manifestations of Demon spirits. These balls of light are often seen in trees, and was the source of putting lights on Christmas trees. Legends call them fairy trees. Elementals are common at séances. This was the origin of the Chinese lanterns to scare away evil spirits

What about Ball Lightening? Elementals are explained away by atheistic scientists as ball lightening. Here is a scientist who is convinced ball lightening is intelligently directed and are elementals and is a paranormal phenomenon.  

Dr Charles J. Ryan, writing from the International Headquarters the Theosophical Society at Covina (Calif.), refers to our remarks about ball lightning in the September issue, and adds some interesting comments.”

Returning to the subject of the Integratron, when my wife and I visited there we met another UFO friend of George Van Tassel in Yucca Valley, Gabriel Green founder of the Flying Saucer Clubs of America and was the first to use the word New Age. He founded a religious group that worships UFOs. At his home he told us that the UFO entities would save the earth. And he said the symbolic number of the world leader was 13. Of course I know a lot about symbolic numbers and Gematria which is found in the original Greek and Hebrew Bible created and dictated by God. The number 13 is the number of Babel or Babylon, and represents Rebellion. The sin of Lucifer. The world dictator's number is actually is actually 666 or 276. All through the Bible letters that add up to 666 and/or 276 are in all references to Satan or demons or hell. This is not numerology which is Satan’s counterfeit to discredit the truth.

I first heard about Gabriel Green from my grade school teacher in a private school in Sun Valley. Her name was Bessy. She claimed that one day she would go away on a flying saucer. She even took my family out to call on a UFO she said was piloted by Gene Vallejo a human alien from Venus. We saw a light go over at a distance.

Years later I received a newsletter published by Gabriel Green. And suspected the anonymous person was Bessy.

Gabriel Green also sold occult books and had a list he gave us. One of the main books he recommended was Benjamin Crème’s book.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_CremeBenjamin (5 December 1922 − 24 October 2016) was a Scottish artist, author, esotericist, and editor of Share International magazine. He asserted that the second coming of Christ prophesied by many religions would be revealed ... Other names for him, according to Creme, are the Christ, the Imam Mahdi, Krishna, and the Messiah.

Crème ran a full page advertisement in all American newspapers in 1982 announcing Christ is here as prophesied in the Bible and by all other religions called the Maitreya. The Bible warns false Christs would come during the last days before his return, before the Rapture when he comes in the sky to remove all believers. Then there would be 7 years of judgement against unbelievers who will follow the false Christ (Antichrist).

Creme said, he became interested in the occult, when he read With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet by Alexandra David-Neel. From 1957 to 1959 Creme was the Vice-President of the Aetherius Society, a UFO religion based largely on Theosophy. In 1958 he met George Adamski and Creme said he could personally vouch for the authenticity of Adamski's UFO contacts. Creme became a follower of the Theosophist Alice Bailey and her teachings on Maitreya. George Adamski claimed like George Van Tassel and Jack Parsons to have met aliens in the desert. 

Jack Parsons worked with Aleister Crowley who was getting all occult groups together including Satanists, secret societies, scientology, the Knights Templar Masons, etc. Jack Parsons also founded Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Arrowspace, and perfected the rockets that took us to the moon. NASA is working to continue the work that was stopped at Babel under Nimrod a Nephilim when people were scattered about 2000 BC.

My wife asked Gabriel Green about the Illuminati who are behind the Marxist New World Order world government.

Gabriel said they would join their movement.

The ‘alien’ Gene Vallejo was not the only human to claim to come from Venus.

My sister had met many movie stars and at some of these meetings she met Valiant Thor who claimed to come from Venus and would never grow old. He stayed at the Pentagon and would disappear and return. His story was in a book Stranger at the Pentagon by Dr. Frank E. Stranges PhD. and Valiant Thor. Thor gave my sister a copy of the book and autographed it.

All these people appear to have connections to Theosophy. And I think they were contacted by these Fallen Angels near Giant Rock after attending Van Tassel’s UFO Conventions. 

The Theosophical Society International Headquarters is in Pasadena. Like Aleister Crowley who ran his secret society an offshoot of Masonry in Pasadena, there must be a connection here. 

The Theosophical Society promotes the oneness of life. This is Hindu Buddhist belief which was the origin of New Age Religion. This belief is Satan's promise to Eve that man would become like God from enlightenment i.e. knowledge. This is where we get Gnosticism. It teaches that we are all a manifestation of God. They were founded on Madam H.P. Blavatsky’s teachings based on Pagan religions when she returned from India.

https://www.theosophical.org/publications/quest-magazine/3845-the-twisted-history-of-the-swastika By the twentieth century, occult and pseudo-occult groups invoking the Aryan legacy were displaying the swastika. Hitler's connection with these groups is ...

The author of the reference above doesn’t know much about the occult/satanism. The Theosophical Society was associated with the swastika. The real meaning of this symbol is: the left facing or clockwise swastika represents vs. the right facing counterclockwise symbolizes Yin and Yang, the good and evil force which is part of the occult New Age Religion like in Star Wars, “The Force be with you.” 

Hitler used the left facing swastika symbolizing evil. This black magick vs white magick is part of satanic religion. Also from ancient times right and left symbolized good on the right, and evil on the left. This is found in the Bible. Saints or sheep on God’s right, evil goats (symbol of Satan) on his left. This is why liberals are left wing, patriots are right wing. This is where the term being right comes from.

In conclusion from this research I realized why Van Tassel was creating the Integratron. The clue came from the Ancient Aliens program which led me to a strong possibility. They referred to the fact in the Bible, that people lived almost a thousand years before the worldwide Flood in 2348 BC, then life span dropped by 1/3rd After the Flood people lived a few hundred years. Then during another worldwide cataclysm in 2000 BC, life span dropped another 1/3rd to a few hundred years and kept declining after that.

I saw a television program Creation in the Twenty First Century which mentioned that the magnetic field of the earth was declining over the centuries. So it was much stronger when men lived long lives before 2000 BC. I believe Van Tassel was trying to duplicate the pre Flood magnetic field of the earth which powers the lay lines.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

UFO Silver Ball Over Riverside

Tony contacted my UFO HOTLINE to report a video he shot of an unidentified object over the Riverside area with his IPhone March 14, 2020. 

This is the jet airliner. 

This is the unidentified silver ball object.

He said he was filming chemtrails from airliners. Personally I don’t believe in chemtrails, they are only vapor trails frozen in the upper atmosphere, there are better ways to affect people’s minds. Vaccines, food, water, Internet/media Fake News and Fake Science.

Then he said he saw a strange object go past the jet above it going in the opposite direction. He said it was a silver ball.

The video shows an object that does not look like an airplane, it is traveling faster than the jet, and unlike the jet (which has two vapor trails), it has only one.

Reported by FMBLFLBDBF.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Paranormal EMF Detectors

Here is a skeptic about electromagnetic detectors used to detect unexplained fields at paranormal vortexes or supposed haunted houses, etc. 
They detect any electromagnetic fields. But when it comes to trees rocks and soil there should not be any EMF. This is used in the field. And since my understanding of paranormal events are caused by electromagnetic holograms it is possible to indicate something is strange at that location.


UFOs/Ancient Aliens Masters of Deception

More and more, intelligent UFO researches are beginning to realize that UFOs or aliens have nothing to do with nuts and bolts spacecrafts or material ETs. Why? Because the phenomena related to them have characteristics more akin to paranormal, psychic, and spiritistic manifestations.
Many abductees, contactees, and researchers believe there is an inter-dimensional or multidimensional quality to the UFO phenomena and experiences with ETs. Although the UFO phenomena may be real, it also could be a holographic illusion or a transmogrification of matter and energy. Perhaps ETs are entities that have power to shape matter and spirit. Some alien lifeforms seem to have an ability to shape shift and appear and disappear. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallee, and John Keel, suggested the phenomena appears to be more psychic than extraterrestrial and perhaps comes from a parallel world.
And who today are behind spiritism and occultism?
The Bible says at Ephesians 6:12 (New International Version, ©2010)
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of darkness of this world and against the spiritual powers of evil in heavenly realms.
Also consider 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12:
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12:
"But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of SATAN with EVERY POWERFUL WORK and LYING SIGNS AND PORTENTS 10 and with every UNRIGHTEOUS DECEPTION for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved. 11 So that is why God lets AN OPERATION OF ERROR go to them, that they may believe THE LIE, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness."
Wicked spirits or demons are all part of the same manifestation of Fallen Angels: Including
apparitions of saints (fàtima, guadalupe), spiritistic seances (where they pretend to be spirits of the dead), spirits that possess people at candomble meetings, macumba, spirits that possess people at evangelical churches empowering them to speak in foreign tongues, fake healings.
Also, lights (elementals) that attack people either in public or in their rooms. Most often they distort reality so that people think they´re material beings, extraterrestrial beings from outer space or Atlantis.
Research on the net:
Kelly Cahill
When God and Aliens Do Battle
And also:
Colonel Uyrangê Hollanda had been investigating paranormal phenomena in the district of Colares near Belém, Amazon Region in Brazil.
Lights out of all directions started attacking people; they got terrorized and had to call the Air Force. They registered the whole stuff. You can have a look here.
Look on the net for the themes below:
4 Month Air-Force UFO Investigation - Brazil 1977. Pt6 of 9 .
4 Month Air-Force UFO Investigation - Brazil 1977. Pt7 of 9
4 Month Air-Force UFO Investigation - Brazil 1977. Pt8 of 9
A little while after that, Colonel Uyrangê Hollanda saw a flash of light coming into his room and a voice "We´re not gonna harm you." It´s on the link, "Pt7 of 9."
If you read all the details of "Operation Saucer," you´re gonna find bizarre events such as house and car roofs becoming "transparent" or "translucent", and people being able to look directly into the sky from them.

People are abducted and levitated. Implants are inserted, that are burned by radiation. Animals and some people are mutilated then dropped leaving no blood or tracks.
Jacques Vallee computer said they are associaTED WITH

Jacque Vallee is a top scientist in creating the Internet, in astronomy space research for NASA, and cutting edge UFO research. For details see: https://www.jacquesvallee.net/- Read his books including Messenger of Deception, and "Masters of Deception" Dr Karla Turner on Aliens and UFOs The Secret Commonwealth of Elves Fauns & Fairies - by Terry Melanson ©, 2001 (Last Update: May 11th, 2005) The Bible warns us Satan is a master deceiver. Vallee says secret societies and all use the eye in the triangle . (Which is The Eye of Horus the Antichrist.) are connected to UFOs and their human agents the Illuminati are agents are the Falsely Illuminated! See the many books by Vallee: https://www.jacquesvallee.net/

Liberal Conspiracy/UFO Connection

Notice that the areas where most UFOs are seen is where the most Liberal Democrat conspiracy is to overthrow our Constitution and the rule of law. The Antichrist i.e. Satan the lawless one is trying to overthrow the rule of law in preparation for the New Satanic World Order of the United Nations as described in their plan The Protocols of tyhe Learned Elders of Scion and Bible prophecy.